KING Communication membuka peluang berkarir bagi para professional dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1.Account Executive ( Marketing ), 5 posisi
Pria / Wanita
Usia maksimal 27 tahun, belum menikah
Berpenampilan menarik dan enerjik
Mampu bernegosiasi dengan baik
Dapat membangun presentasi yang unik dan komunikatif
Dapat menjadi problem solver
Komunikatif dan supel
Memiliki wawasan yang luas
Mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan
Biasa bekerja dengan teratur dan terjadwal
Biasa bekerja dengan orientasi target
Siap bekerja lembur
Memiliki kendaraan pribadi
Dapat berkomunikasi dan presentasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
2.Web & Multimedia Designer ( WD ), 1 posisi
Pria / Wanita
Usia maksimal 27 tahun, belum menikah
Menguasai konsep, aplikasi, komunikasi pada web dan multimedia desain
Menguasai CSS
Menguasai Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Macromedia Flash
Biasa membangun modul interactive
Jujur, teliti, kreatif dan tahan terhadap tekanan deadline yang tinggi
Menjunjung tinggi loyalitas, totalitas, orisinalitas dan profesionalisme
Biasa bekerja dengan rapi dan detail
Mampu bekerja dalam teamwork
Dapat mendemokan kemampuan mendisain yang berstrategi dan berkonsep
3.Creative Director ( CD ), 1 posisi
Pria / Wanita
Usia maksimal 27 tahun, belum menikah
Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman 2 tahun dalam posisi yang sama
Berpengalaman merancang TV Comm, Radio Ad, Print Ad sampai dengan Ambient Ad
Cepat dalam membangun ide baik secara perorangan maupun teamwork
Mampu mengarahkan team kreatif
Dapat menyusun presentasi yang unik dan komunikatif sehingga dapat mencapai target kreatif yang diinginkan
Mempunyai kemampuan menggambar
Jujur, teliti, kreatif dan tahan terhadap tekanan deadline yang tinggi
Menjunjung tinggi loyalitas, totalitas, orisinalitas dan profesionalisme
Biasa bekerja dengan rapi dan detail
Siap bekerja lembur
4.Graphic Designer ( GD ), 2 posisi
Pria / Wanita
Usia maksimal 27 tahun, belum menikah
Menguasai konsep, aplikasi dan komunikasi desain
Cepat dalam membangun ide baik secara perorangan maupun teamwork
Menguasai Software Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw dan Macromedia Freehand
Di utamakan yang menguasai Macromedia Flash
Jujur, teliti, kreatif dan tahan terhadap tekanan deadline yang tinggi
Menjunjung tinggi loyalitas, totalitas, orisinalitas dan profesionalisme
Biasa bekerja dengan rapi dan detail
Mampu bekerja dalam teamwork
Dapat mendemokan kemampuan mendisain yang berstrategi dan berkonsep
5.Web Programmer ( WP ), 1 posisi
Pria / Wanita
Usia maksimal 27 tahun, belum menikah
Menguasai konsep dan aplikasi web
Menguasai CSS dan website berbasis table-less
Menguasai interface dan database programming
Di utamakan yang menguasai flash programming
Di utamakan yang menguasai sistem security dan enkripsi pada website
Terbiasa membuat skrip secara rapi dan terstruktur
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Mampu membangun architecture programming yang user friendly
Jujur, teliti, kreatif dan tahan terhadap tekanan deadline yang tinggi
Menjunjung tinggi loyalitas, totalitas, orisinalitas dan profesionalisme
Mampu bekerja dalam teamwork
Kirimkan lamaran anda lengkap, dengan disertai CD Portfolio untuk pelamar dengan Code CD, GD, WD, WP.
Dengan Tujuan:
HRD KING Communication
CV. KING Communication
Jl. Kutisari Indah Barat I / 18
Telp : +62-31-7061.2882
Telp : +62-31-7110.7667
Fax : +62-31-843.6231
Surabaya – Indonesia
Atau bisa mengirimkan melalui e-mail ke :, hrdkingcommunication@, dan
NB :
- Segala materi lamaran yang diberikan tidak dikembalikan kepada pelamar
- Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi saja yang akan dipanggil
- Dapat mengirimkan lamaran melalui email
- CD Portfolio yang mengandung virus, tidak akan dilihat
- Silahkan lampirkan gaji terakhir dan gaji yang diminta
- Bersedia bertugas di Surabaya
- Demi kenyamanan bersama, jika ada pertanyaan, diharapkan mengirimkan email ke, hrdkingcommunication@, dan
Read More..
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Minimum D3 for Manager, SMA for others
Experienced in retail store at least 2 years
Ready to work on shift and holiday
Good looking and attractive personality
Please send your application, CV and recent photograph to :
HRD PT Terang Dunia Internusa
Jl. Anggrek Neli Murni No.114, Slipi.
Jakarta Barat 11480
or (less than 50 kb) Read More..
Minimum D3 for Manager, SMA for others
Experienced in retail store at least 2 years
Ready to work on shift and holiday
Good looking and attractive personality
Please send your application, CV and recent photograph to :
HRD PT Terang Dunia Internusa
Jl. Anggrek Neli Murni No.114, Slipi.
Jakarta Barat 11480
or (less than 50 kb) Read More..
Lowongan Bank BTN Mei - Juni 2009
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) membuka kesempatan bergabung memajukan bisnis bagi Anda yang ulet, teliti, mandiri dan kreatif, untuk mengisi posisi:
Sekretaris (SC)
Taksatur Advisor (TA)
Taksatur Officer (TO)
Persyaratan Administrasi
SC: D3, jurusan Sekretaris atau Kehumasan IPK 3,0 (skala 4,0), WNI, wanita, usia maksimal 24 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke 25 per 1 Juni 2009)
TA: S1 semua jurusan, WNI, pria/wanita, usia maksimal 58 tahun
TO: D3 semua jurusan IPK 3,0 (skala 4,0), WNI, pria/wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun
Persyaratan Khusus
SC: Memahami tugas-tugas dasar pekerjaan sekretaris, mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Word, MS Excel dan MS Power Point, berpenampilan menarik dan berkepribadian baik, belum pernah menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama 2 tahun semenjak diterima sebagai pegawai
TA: Berpengalaman sebagai juru taksir minimal 10 tahun, berpengalaman sebagai trainer pada bidang penaksiran nilai barang gadai
TO: Berpengalaman sebagai juru taksir minimal 3 tahun, mampu melakukan analisa gadai, mampu memberikan rekomendasi kelayakan fasilitas gadai, teliti dan tertib administratif
Persyaratan Lainnya:
Berbadan sehat dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter/klinik/rumah sakit
Tinggi dan berat badan proporsional
Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja Bank BTN di seluruh Indonesia
Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (ayah/ibu/anak/adik/kakak/kakak orang tua/adik orang tua/kemenakan/ipar) dengan pegawai Bank BTN
Kepada pelamar diminta membuat, menandatangani dan membawa langsung surat lamaran pada tanggal 1 s/d 6 Juni 2009 mulai pukul 09.00 s/d 15.00 waktu setempat. Surat lamaran agar dilengkapi dengan:
Data riwayat hidup dan fotocopy KTP/identitas yang masih berlaku serta copy akta kelahiran
Fotocopy ijazah dengan daftar transkrip nilai/nilai rata-rata yang telah dilegalisir
Pasfoto berwarna ukuran 4x6 (2 lembar) dan foto berwarna ukuran 4R terbaru (1 lembar)
Surat keterangan sehat dan data tinggi dan berat badan dari dokter/klinik/rumah sakit/Puskesmas
Surat pernyataan diatas materai 6000 mengenai status pernikahan (khusus SC) dan kebersediaan ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja BTN (SC,TA,TO) serta hubungan keluarga dengan pegawai BTN (SC,TA,SO) sesuai butir Persyaratan Lainnya diatas. Read More..
Sekretaris (SC)
Taksatur Advisor (TA)
Taksatur Officer (TO)
Persyaratan Administrasi
SC: D3, jurusan Sekretaris atau Kehumasan IPK 3,0 (skala 4,0), WNI, wanita, usia maksimal 24 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke 25 per 1 Juni 2009)
TA: S1 semua jurusan, WNI, pria/wanita, usia maksimal 58 tahun
TO: D3 semua jurusan IPK 3,0 (skala 4,0), WNI, pria/wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun
Persyaratan Khusus
SC: Memahami tugas-tugas dasar pekerjaan sekretaris, mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Word, MS Excel dan MS Power Point, berpenampilan menarik dan berkepribadian baik, belum pernah menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama 2 tahun semenjak diterima sebagai pegawai
TA: Berpengalaman sebagai juru taksir minimal 10 tahun, berpengalaman sebagai trainer pada bidang penaksiran nilai barang gadai
TO: Berpengalaman sebagai juru taksir minimal 3 tahun, mampu melakukan analisa gadai, mampu memberikan rekomendasi kelayakan fasilitas gadai, teliti dan tertib administratif
Persyaratan Lainnya:
Berbadan sehat dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter/klinik/rumah sakit
Tinggi dan berat badan proporsional
Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja Bank BTN di seluruh Indonesia
Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (ayah/ibu/anak/adik/kakak/kakak orang tua/adik orang tua/kemenakan/ipar) dengan pegawai Bank BTN
Kepada pelamar diminta membuat, menandatangani dan membawa langsung surat lamaran pada tanggal 1 s/d 6 Juni 2009 mulai pukul 09.00 s/d 15.00 waktu setempat. Surat lamaran agar dilengkapi dengan:
Data riwayat hidup dan fotocopy KTP/identitas yang masih berlaku serta copy akta kelahiran
Fotocopy ijazah dengan daftar transkrip nilai/nilai rata-rata yang telah dilegalisir
Pasfoto berwarna ukuran 4x6 (2 lembar) dan foto berwarna ukuran 4R terbaru (1 lembar)
Surat keterangan sehat dan data tinggi dan berat badan dari dokter/klinik/rumah sakit/Puskesmas
Surat pernyataan diatas materai 6000 mengenai status pernikahan (khusus SC) dan kebersediaan ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja BTN (SC,TA,TO) serta hubungan keluarga dengan pegawai BTN (SC,TA,SO) sesuai butir Persyaratan Lainnya diatas. Read More..
Lowongan Bank Mega Syariah Mei - Juni 2009
Dalam rangka ekspansi lini bisnis jasa keuanga syariah di Indonesia, Bank Mega Syariah memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan persyaratan untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:
Business Development Head Pension Financing (BDH - Head Office)
Memiliki pengalaman di banking/lembaga keuangan yang menyalurkan pembiayaan pension
Memiliki kemampuan relationship yang baik
Diutamakan memiliki relasi dengan perusahaan-perusahaan pengelola dana pensiun
Marketing Gadai (MG)
Pria/wanita yang menyukai pekerjaan dengan target
Berpengalaman di banking/lembaga keuangan
Mempunyai kenderaan bermotor, local people
Bersedia ditempatkan di: Jabodetabek, Bandung, Garut, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Makassar dan sekitarnya
Kepala Cabang Gadai (KCG) dan Penaksir Gadai (PG)
Memiliki pengalaman di industri yang sama dengan jabatan terakhir minimal Penaksir Madya (diutamakan pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Cabang) untuk posisi KCG
Memiliki pengalaman di industri yang sama dengan jabatan terakhir minimal Penaksir Muda untuk posisi PG
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan cv ke: HCM Division - Bank Mega Syariah, Gedung Smesco Indonesia Lt. 14, Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 94, Jakarta Selatan. Atau email ke: (maks. kapasitas 100Mb). CV dan lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 3 Juni 2009. Hanya kandidat yang sesuai persyaratan yang akan di proses lebih lanjut. Cantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas. Read More..
Business Development Head Pension Financing (BDH - Head Office)
Memiliki pengalaman di banking/lembaga keuangan yang menyalurkan pembiayaan pension
Memiliki kemampuan relationship yang baik
Diutamakan memiliki relasi dengan perusahaan-perusahaan pengelola dana pensiun
Marketing Gadai (MG)
Pria/wanita yang menyukai pekerjaan dengan target
Berpengalaman di banking/lembaga keuangan
Mempunyai kenderaan bermotor, local people
Bersedia ditempatkan di: Jabodetabek, Bandung, Garut, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Makassar dan sekitarnya
Kepala Cabang Gadai (KCG) dan Penaksir Gadai (PG)
Memiliki pengalaman di industri yang sama dengan jabatan terakhir minimal Penaksir Madya (diutamakan pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Cabang) untuk posisi KCG
Memiliki pengalaman di industri yang sama dengan jabatan terakhir minimal Penaksir Muda untuk posisi PG
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan cv ke: HCM Division - Bank Mega Syariah, Gedung Smesco Indonesia Lt. 14, Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 94, Jakarta Selatan. Atau email ke: (maks. kapasitas 100Mb). CV dan lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 3 Juni 2009. Hanya kandidat yang sesuai persyaratan yang akan di proses lebih lanjut. Cantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas. Read More..
Lowongan Astra Honda Motor Mei - Juni 2009
PT Astra Honda Motor adalah perusahaan manufakturing & distribusi sepeda motor terbesar di Indonesia, dengan jumlah karyawan lebih dari 10.000 orang. Sesuai dengan visi perusahaan, PT. Astra Honda Motor selalu berupaya untuk menyediakan solusi mobilitas terbaik yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dengan sistem manajemen kelas dunia. Setiap orang di PT Astra Honda Motor dihargai sesuai dengan prestasi dan potensinya, jika Anda adalah orang yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang diinginkan, kami tunggu kehadiran Anda untuk bergabung bersama PT. Astra Honda Motor.
Interior Exterior Analyst (MKT-IEA)
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab terhadap perancangan/desain showroom H1, H2 dan H3 beserta development dan standarisasinya.
S1 Teknik Arsitektur/Interior Desain
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman dalam desain tematik
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, menguasai Bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulis
Quality Engineer (QTE-QT)
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab melakukan analisa FMEA critical point, parts dan subcont, untuk kemudian dituangkan menjadi dokumen Quality Standard
Bertanggung jawab untuk mengaplikasikan Quality Standard dalam approval new product baik inplant maupun outplan
S1 Teknik Mesin / Teknik Industri
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Mampu membaca gambar teknik
Menguasai metode pengujian, pengukuran dan inspeksi parts
Memiliki spirit improvisasi dan inovasi dalam peningkatan kualitas
PPIC Section Head (SHD-PPIC)
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab mengelola semua resources yang ada di seksinya, dan mengkoordinasikannya dalam proses merencanakan proses produksi dan mensupply parts untuk area produksi yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Tanggung jawabnya sampai dengan memonitor jadwal produksi dan supply parts untuk memastikan proses produksi berjalan dengan lancar
S1 Teknik Industri
Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan Supply Chain Management
Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai manufacturing process
Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Strong Leadership
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Membuat dan melaksanakan rencana perbaikan desain atau modifikasi secara langsung terkait sistem pendukung dan equipment/tools produksi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas secara terstruktur dan berkesinambungan di area produksi
Memonitor aktivitas pelaksanaan program department per area produksi dalam membandingkan kondisi aktual antara target dan implementasi program, sehingga dapat memberikan solusi permasalahan, dan menjamin terlaksananya target departemen produksi dari aspek QCDSM
Melakukan audit sistem produksi dan 5K2S untuk menjaga konsistensi aplikasi sistem di lapangan
S1 Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Metalurgi
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan manufacturing process dan Supply Chain Management
Kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan non verbal yang baik
Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Mampu beradaptasi dalam lingkungan baru
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda secara online melalui link dibawah ini sebelum tanggal 30 Juni 2009. Read More..
Interior Exterior Analyst (MKT-IEA)
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab terhadap perancangan/desain showroom H1, H2 dan H3 beserta development dan standarisasinya.
S1 Teknik Arsitektur/Interior Desain
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman dalam desain tematik
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, menguasai Bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulis
Quality Engineer (QTE-QT)
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab melakukan analisa FMEA critical point, parts dan subcont, untuk kemudian dituangkan menjadi dokumen Quality Standard
Bertanggung jawab untuk mengaplikasikan Quality Standard dalam approval new product baik inplant maupun outplan
S1 Teknik Mesin / Teknik Industri
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Mampu membaca gambar teknik
Menguasai metode pengujian, pengukuran dan inspeksi parts
Memiliki spirit improvisasi dan inovasi dalam peningkatan kualitas
PPIC Section Head (SHD-PPIC)
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab mengelola semua resources yang ada di seksinya, dan mengkoordinasikannya dalam proses merencanakan proses produksi dan mensupply parts untuk area produksi yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Tanggung jawabnya sampai dengan memonitor jadwal produksi dan supply parts untuk memastikan proses produksi berjalan dengan lancar
S1 Teknik Industri
Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan Supply Chain Management
Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai manufacturing process
Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Strong Leadership
Gambaran Pekerjaan
Membuat dan melaksanakan rencana perbaikan desain atau modifikasi secara langsung terkait sistem pendukung dan equipment/tools produksi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas secara terstruktur dan berkesinambungan di area produksi
Memonitor aktivitas pelaksanaan program department per area produksi dalam membandingkan kondisi aktual antara target dan implementasi program, sehingga dapat memberikan solusi permasalahan, dan menjamin terlaksananya target departemen produksi dari aspek QCDSM
Melakukan audit sistem produksi dan 5K2S untuk menjaga konsistensi aplikasi sistem di lapangan
S1 Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Metalurgi
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan manufacturing process dan Supply Chain Management
Kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan non verbal yang baik
Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Mampu beradaptasi dalam lingkungan baru
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda secara online melalui link dibawah ini sebelum tanggal 30 Juni 2009. Read More..
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company
inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
Requirements and Competencies:
* Diploma/Bachelor degree in civil engineering
* male of below 28 years of age.
* Fresh graduated is welcome.
* Strong interpersonal, problem solving, and analytical thinking.
* Excellent in AutoCad
* Will be located in Balikpapan.
Please submit your complete CV/resume & recent photograph,
email to: Read More..
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company
inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
Requirements and Competencies:
* Diploma/Bachelor degree in civil engineering
* male of below 28 years of age.
* Fresh graduated is welcome.
* Strong interpersonal, problem solving, and analytical thinking.
* Excellent in AutoCad
* Will be located in Balikpapan.
Please submit your complete CV/resume & recent photograph,
email to: Read More..
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Mei 2009 di Bandung Posisi MARKETING & ADMINISTRATION di PT.BELAPUTERA INTILAND
PT.Belaputera Intiland, Kota Baru Parahyangan, Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Property, saat ini sedang mengembangkan kawasan kota mandiri yang berwawasan pendidikan yang berlokasi di Padalarang, Bandung, membutuhkan karyawan yang akan ditempatkan di unit bisnis property dan pendidikan & seni, untuk posisi :
Kualifikasi umum :
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia 26 s/d 36 tahun
- Lulusan D3/S1 semua jurusan.
- Bahasa Inggris aktif, secara lisan dan tulisan
- Pengalaman min 2 di posisi yang sama.
- Pernah bekerja di perusahaan pengelola seni & budaya, dan punya network yang baik dengan institusi seni sebagai nilai tambah.
- Karakter menyukai pekerjaan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan
- Familiar menggunakan computer MS Office.
- Diutamakan berdomisili di Bandung
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini terbit, ke alamat Email :
Atau ke : PO Box 17 PDL 40553 Read More..
Kualifikasi umum :
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia 26 s/d 36 tahun
- Lulusan D3/S1 semua jurusan.
- Bahasa Inggris aktif, secara lisan dan tulisan
- Pengalaman min 2 di posisi yang sama.
- Pernah bekerja di perusahaan pengelola seni & budaya, dan punya network yang baik dengan institusi seni sebagai nilai tambah.
- Karakter menyukai pekerjaan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan
- Familiar menggunakan computer MS Office.
- Diutamakan berdomisili di Bandung
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini terbit, ke alamat Email :
Atau ke : PO Box 17 PDL 40553 Read More..
Lowongan Pekerjaan Mei 2009 di Jakarta Posisi ASSISTANT BUYER BICYCLE di PT.ACE HARDWARE INDONESIA
PT.ACE HARDWARE INDONESIA adalah Perusahaan ritel perlengkapan rumah tangga terbesar, akan membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk bergabung sebagai :
Kualifikasi :
-Pria / Wanita
-D3 / S1 Semua Jurusan
-Diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang pembelian sepeda
-Memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang sparepart sepeda
ke :
Tuliskan kode lamaran di kolom “SUBJECT” Read More..
Kualifikasi :
-Pria / Wanita
-D3 / S1 Semua Jurusan
-Diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang pembelian sepeda
-Memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang sparepart sepeda
ke :
Tuliskan kode lamaran di kolom “SUBJECT” Read More..
Lowongan Petrochemical Company; Berth Control Staff
A Foreign Investment Petrochemical Company; Berth Control Staff
We are, a Foreign Investment Petrochemical Company in Indonesia, looking for high caliber candidates for the following Cilegon based position.
You should be Male, graduated from Marine Academy / University and holding at least ANT III certificate, having good communication in English and leadership skill. Have minimum 2 (two) years experience in merchant ship will be an advantage.
To apply, please send your application letter, CV, recent passport-sized photograph, copy of certificates and put the code on the top left envelope, at the latest two weeks after this advertisement to:
Or Read More..
We are, a Foreign Investment Petrochemical Company in Indonesia, looking for high caliber candidates for the following Cilegon based position.
You should be Male, graduated from Marine Academy / University and holding at least ANT III certificate, having good communication in English and leadership skill. Have minimum 2 (two) years experience in merchant ship will be an advantage.
To apply, please send your application letter, CV, recent passport-sized photograph, copy of certificates and put the code on the top left envelope, at the latest two weeks after this advertisement to:
Or Read More..
Lowongan Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF Bali)
IALF Bali is currently recruiting for the position of Computer Services Manager.
Qualifications & Experience
Essential qualifications:
* S1 in Information Technology
* Ability to communicate in English
Essential Experience: Managing the following:
* LAN/WAN network
* Windows/BSD
* UNIX internet server
* Group policies, etc.
* People in a team
Desirable experience:
* IT training / teaching experience
* Experience working in cross-cultural environment
Application Procedure
Qualified candidates can send applications to:
Manager, IALF Bali. Fax (0361) 263-509 or Email
EAP Instructor : July – September 2009 - Jakarta
IALF Jakarta is currently recruiting an EAP Instructor to teach on a 8-week program preparing students for tertiary study in Australia.
Teach up to 22 contact hours per week on an EAP pre-departure course for students who have received a scholarship to pursue postgraduate qualifications at Australian universities.
First degree – essential
RSA Cert TEFLA or equivalent – essential
RSA Dip TEFLA/Grad Dip/Masters – preferred
Minimum 2 years’ relevant experience
Very familiar with IELTS and/or an IELTS examiner
Return air fare, full health insurance, assistance with accommodation.
Salary paid in Australian dollars: commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Please send an initial expression of interest, including a CV, to Applicants who meet selection criteria will be sent a job description and details of remuneration Read More..
Qualifications & Experience
Essential qualifications:
* S1 in Information Technology
* Ability to communicate in English
Essential Experience: Managing the following:
* LAN/WAN network
* Windows/BSD
* UNIX internet server
* Group policies, etc.
* People in a team
Desirable experience:
* IT training / teaching experience
* Experience working in cross-cultural environment
Application Procedure
Qualified candidates can send applications to:
Manager, IALF Bali. Fax (0361) 263-509 or Email
EAP Instructor : July – September 2009 - Jakarta
IALF Jakarta is currently recruiting an EAP Instructor to teach on a 8-week program preparing students for tertiary study in Australia.
Teach up to 22 contact hours per week on an EAP pre-departure course for students who have received a scholarship to pursue postgraduate qualifications at Australian universities.
First degree – essential
RSA Cert TEFLA or equivalent – essential
RSA Dip TEFLA/Grad Dip/Masters – preferred
Minimum 2 years’ relevant experience
Very familiar with IELTS and/or an IELTS examiner
Return air fare, full health insurance, assistance with accommodation.
Salary paid in Australian dollars: commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Please send an initial expression of interest, including a CV, to Applicants who meet selection criteria will be sent a job description and details of remuneration Read More..
PT Orlansoft Data System merupakan perusahan
yang bergerak di bidang IT dan berskala nasional. Saat ini kami membutuhkan SDM
untuk menempati posisi berikut ini:
D3/S1 Informatika atau setara, IP >= 3.0
- Mengerti SQL DB
- Menguasai paling tidak satu Pemrograman Visual
- Cinta teknologi, IT, dan programming
- Ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Lokasi penempatan : Surabaya
- D3/S1 Informatika atau setara, IP >= 2,75
Menguasai HTML, Javascript, XML, CSS
- Menguasai Java dan JSP
- Diprioritaskan yang mengerti JSF dan JPA/Hibernate
- Menguasai SQL atau PLSQL Programming
- Mampu belajar mandiri, rajin, pekerja keras,
bisa bekerja dalam tim
- Bersedia ditugaskan keluar kota
- Pria/Wanita max. usia 27 tahun
- Berpengalaman sebagai web programmer 0-2 tahun
(fresh graduate, diperbolehkan)
- Lokasi penempatan : Surabaya
- D3/S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen Informatika, IP > 2.5
- Memahami software paket akuntansi (ERP lebih diprioritaskan)
- Ulet,
teliti, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Lokasi
penempatan : Surabaya, Jakarta
Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui: Read More..
yang bergerak di bidang IT dan berskala nasional. Saat ini kami membutuhkan SDM
untuk menempati posisi berikut ini:
D3/S1 Informatika atau setara, IP >= 3.0
- Mengerti SQL DB
- Menguasai paling tidak satu Pemrograman Visual
- Cinta teknologi, IT, dan programming
- Ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Lokasi penempatan : Surabaya
- D3/S1 Informatika atau setara, IP >= 2,75
Menguasai HTML, Javascript, XML, CSS
- Menguasai Java dan JSP
- Diprioritaskan yang mengerti JSF dan JPA/Hibernate
- Menguasai SQL atau PLSQL Programming
- Mampu belajar mandiri, rajin, pekerja keras,
bisa bekerja dalam tim
- Bersedia ditugaskan keluar kota
- Pria/Wanita max. usia 27 tahun
- Berpengalaman sebagai web programmer 0-2 tahun
(fresh graduate, diperbolehkan)
- Lokasi penempatan : Surabaya
- D3/S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen Informatika, IP > 2.5
- Memahami software paket akuntansi (ERP lebih diprioritaskan)
- Ulet,
teliti, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Lokasi
penempatan : Surabaya, Jakarta
Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui: Read More..
PT Mitracomm Ekasarana
Perusahaan Telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia membutuhkan kandidat untuk menduduki posisi :
Complaint Handler Officer
(Jakarta Raya)
Pria/Wanita, usia max 28 tahun
Lulusan D3/S1 diutamakan dari jurusan Teknik Informatika, Teknik Komputer, atau Ilmu Komputer dengan IPK min 2,75
Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dengan baik, diutamakan memiliki standar TOEFL min. 500
Memiliki kemampuan dan ketertarikan dengan teknologi komputer , Gadget, High End produk telekomunikasi seluler (flash, blackberry,dll)
Bersedia untuk bekerja Shifting
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri yaitu motor
Disediakan kompensasi dan benefit yang menarik
Jika berminat, kirim CV lengkap ke :
Atau bawa langsung CV lengkap, fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip yang dilegalisir ke :
PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana
Menara Batavia Lt. 3
Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Jakarta Read More..
Perusahaan Telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia membutuhkan kandidat untuk menduduki posisi :
Complaint Handler Officer
(Jakarta Raya)
Pria/Wanita, usia max 28 tahun
Lulusan D3/S1 diutamakan dari jurusan Teknik Informatika, Teknik Komputer, atau Ilmu Komputer dengan IPK min 2,75
Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dengan baik, diutamakan memiliki standar TOEFL min. 500
Memiliki kemampuan dan ketertarikan dengan teknologi komputer , Gadget, High End produk telekomunikasi seluler (flash, blackberry,dll)
Bersedia untuk bekerja Shifting
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri yaitu motor
Disediakan kompensasi dan benefit yang menarik
Jika berminat, kirim CV lengkap ke :
Atau bawa langsung CV lengkap, fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip yang dilegalisir ke :
PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana
Menara Batavia Lt. 3
Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Jakarta Read More..
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Makasar, Lampung, Padang dan Pontianak
Kantor ku Perusahaan Forwarding mau melakukan penerimaan karyawan baru untuk di tempatkan di beberapa cabang nya (Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Makasar, Lampung, Padang dan Pontianak) dalam rangka perluasan pelayanan service nya, sebagai berikut :
1. Administrasi (ADM)
2. Customer Service (CS)
3. Document (DOC)
4. Booking (BOOK)
5. CS-Ocean Import Staff (CS-Impor)
- Untuk posisi 1 - 3, D-3 / SLTA pengalaman
- Untuk posisi 4 fresh graduated welcome
- Untuk posisi 5 Min D-1
- Jujur, teliti dan bertanggung-jawab
- Bisa kerja cepat dan cerdas(smart)
- Bisa mengoprasikan komputer (MS Office)
- Lokasi tempat tinggal sesuai dengan penempatan
- Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan maupun tulisan (2) & (5)
- Menguasai prosedur dokkumen impor (5)
- Pengalaman 2 Tahun di Freight Forwarding & NVOCC (5)
Bagi yang berminat harap kirim ke alamat email ini Read More..
1. Administrasi (ADM)
2. Customer Service (CS)
3. Document (DOC)
4. Booking (BOOK)
5. CS-Ocean Import Staff (CS-Impor)
- Untuk posisi 1 - 3, D-3 / SLTA pengalaman
- Untuk posisi 4 fresh graduated welcome
- Untuk posisi 5 Min D-1
- Jujur, teliti dan bertanggung-jawab
- Bisa kerja cepat dan cerdas(smart)
- Bisa mengoprasikan komputer (MS Office)
- Lokasi tempat tinggal sesuai dengan penempatan
- Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan maupun tulisan (2) & (5)
- Menguasai prosedur dokkumen impor (5)
- Pengalaman 2 Tahun di Freight Forwarding & NVOCC (5)
Bagi yang berminat harap kirim ke alamat email ini Read More..
Lippo Insurance Career Oppurtunities 2009
A fast growing General Insurance Company with supported by strong capital base as a subsidiary of Lippo Group, is looking for qualified candidates with very strong analytical thinking, result oriented, innovative and good interpersonal skills to fulfill challenging positions as:
Claim Service Center Staff
Male/ Female
Fresh Graduate
Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
Good appearance, self motivated, creative, energetic and ambitious
Fast learner
Location: Jakarta
Claims Analyst
Male/ Female
Min S1 Degree, majoring in Architect, Civil Engineering with min.GPA 2.75
Good analytical skill, selft motivated, creative, energetic and ambitiuos
Fast learner
Fluent in English
Location: Tangerang
If you meet above requirements, please send your resume and photograph to: . Read More..
Claim Service Center Staff
Male/ Female
Fresh Graduate
Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
Good appearance, self motivated, creative, energetic and ambitious
Fast learner
Location: Jakarta
Claims Analyst
Male/ Female
Min S1 Degree, majoring in Architect, Civil Engineering with min.GPA 2.75
Good analytical skill, selft motivated, creative, energetic and ambitiuos
Fast learner
Fluent in English
Location: Tangerang
If you meet above requirements, please send your resume and photograph to: . Read More..
Adaro Group Job Vacancies 2009
PT Adaro Indonesia operates under a Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Indonesia which gives it the right to mine coal within its Agreement Area in the Tanjung district of South Kalimantan Province until the year 2022 with Rights to extend by mutual agreement are available. Production commenced in 1991 and has increased steadily since that time with sales to both export and domestic markets reaching 36 million tonnes in 2007 making Adaro Indonesia’s largest coal producer from a single mine. Currently we are seeking professional for positions:
Construction Engineer (Code CE)
Male, 25 – 40 year
Candidate must possess at least a minimal DIII civil engineering
Have experiences minimum 2 years
Familiar with bill of quantity, drafting in autocad, make engineering drawing and project admnistration
English passive
Computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
Hard worker, good interpersonal skill
Willing to be located at South Kalimantan
Investor Relations Associate (Code: IRA)
IRA will assist Adaro’s investor relations efforts to optimize the valuation of Adaro as a publicly traded company. This position reports to the Investor Relations Manager.
He/she will assist in the development and execution of an investor relations program, with a view to increasing the transparency and disclosure of the Company. He / she will assist in the preparation, planning and distribution of investor relations documents and materials and in handling day to day investor questions.
Bachelor's degree in Accounting / Finance, Business Administration, Communication or related field.
Experience in finance world or communication. Preferably has experience as Junior Analyst in Banking or Securities.
Candidate must be a team player who is an effective and confident communicator, highly analytical and self motivated. Superior communication and presentation skills, excellent PC skills, strong interpersonal and organizational skills are essential. Strong research skills, attention to detail, and proven time management skills are required
Must have strong written and verbal communications skills. Fluency in English is mandatory.
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than June 3, 2009 to: . Please put the position code as your email subject. Only sort listed candidates will be process. Read More..
Construction Engineer (Code CE)
Male, 25 – 40 year
Candidate must possess at least a minimal DIII civil engineering
Have experiences minimum 2 years
Familiar with bill of quantity, drafting in autocad, make engineering drawing and project admnistration
English passive
Computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
Hard worker, good interpersonal skill
Willing to be located at South Kalimantan
Investor Relations Associate (Code: IRA)
IRA will assist Adaro’s investor relations efforts to optimize the valuation of Adaro as a publicly traded company. This position reports to the Investor Relations Manager.
He/she will assist in the development and execution of an investor relations program, with a view to increasing the transparency and disclosure of the Company. He / she will assist in the preparation, planning and distribution of investor relations documents and materials and in handling day to day investor questions.
Bachelor's degree in Accounting / Finance, Business Administration, Communication or related field.
Experience in finance world or communication. Preferably has experience as Junior Analyst in Banking or Securities.
Candidate must be a team player who is an effective and confident communicator, highly analytical and self motivated. Superior communication and presentation skills, excellent PC skills, strong interpersonal and organizational skills are essential. Strong research skills, attention to detail, and proven time management skills are required
Must have strong written and verbal communications skills. Fluency in English is mandatory.
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than June 3, 2009 to: . Please put the position code as your email subject. Only sort listed candidates will be process. Read More..
Panin Sekuritas Job Vacancies May 2009
A long-established and publicly-listed securities company is seeking for dynamic, hard working and qualified professionals to fill positions for:
Fixed Income Support (FIS)
Min 1 year experience at capital market institution/industry
Proficient in English skills (Fluent) and computer skill (min, Ms Office) is a must
Excellent in communicating skill is a must
General Qualification
Female max age 35 years old
Having strata/master degree in related education from reputable university
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply (min GPA 3.00)
Fund Research (FR)
Master’s degree from reputable overseas university is preferred
Has extensive understanding about Indonesian Capital Market
Excellent in writing skill is a must
CFA or level II candidate in the CFA Program is an advantage
General Qualification
Male/Female max age 38 years old
Having strata/master degree in related education from reputable university
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply (min GPA 3.00)
Equity Sales (ES)
Finding new high net worth investors for equity trading
Know to prioritize, competent, execute various trade orders timely, accurately, and competitively priced. Able to provide current market, economic and technical updates to customer to customer or potential customers
Min 1 year experience in equity sales with a proven record of transaction
Having WPPE License from Bapepam-LK or passed the WPPE examination from Panitia Standar Profesi Pasar Modal is an advantage
General Qualification
Male/Female max age 38 years old
Having strata/master degree in related education from reputable university
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply (min GPA 3.00)
Please send your application letter with your CV, recent color photograph and the job code stated on the upper left corner of the envelope, not later than May 29, 2009 to: Human Resources Divison PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk, Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower II Lt. 17, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 or via email to . Only short listed candidates would be notified for an interview. Telephone inquiries are not recommended. Read More..
Fixed Income Support (FIS)
Min 1 year experience at capital market institution/industry
Proficient in English skills (Fluent) and computer skill (min, Ms Office) is a must
Excellent in communicating skill is a must
General Qualification
Female max age 35 years old
Having strata/master degree in related education from reputable university
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply (min GPA 3.00)
Fund Research (FR)
Master’s degree from reputable overseas university is preferred
Has extensive understanding about Indonesian Capital Market
Excellent in writing skill is a must
CFA or level II candidate in the CFA Program is an advantage
General Qualification
Male/Female max age 38 years old
Having strata/master degree in related education from reputable university
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply (min GPA 3.00)
Equity Sales (ES)
Finding new high net worth investors for equity trading
Know to prioritize, competent, execute various trade orders timely, accurately, and competitively priced. Able to provide current market, economic and technical updates to customer to customer or potential customers
Min 1 year experience in equity sales with a proven record of transaction
Having WPPE License from Bapepam-LK or passed the WPPE examination from Panitia Standar Profesi Pasar Modal is an advantage
General Qualification
Male/Female max age 38 years old
Having strata/master degree in related education from reputable university
Fresh graduated are welcome to apply (min GPA 3.00)
Please send your application letter with your CV, recent color photograph and the job code stated on the upper left corner of the envelope, not later than May 29, 2009 to: Human Resources Divison PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk, Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower II Lt. 17, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 or via email to . Only short listed candidates would be notified for an interview. Telephone inquiries are not recommended. Read More..
Llowongan kerja Sari Husada mei 2009
Sari Husada is a pioneer in manufacturing baby and nutritious foods in Indonesia. We produce various kinds of international standard milk products for infants and for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers. Our products include: SGM 3, SGM 4, Vitalac 1+, Lactamil, SGM Cereal, SGM Rusk/Biscuit. Currently, we are looking for a bright talent and achiever individual to strengthen our Operation team as:
Production Supervisor (Code: PRD)
Male, max. 30 years old, must has S1 degree in Chemical Engineering / Food and Processing Technology.
Has min. 1-2 years experience in the same field preferably in food industry or consumer goods.
Has strong knowledge and experienced in Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, GMP/GHP, HACCP, SMK3, Halal) and production technology.
Has good understanding on baby food or consumer good.
Fluent in English (written & spoken).
Able to operate computer, especially MS Office.
Strong leadership, self-confidence, responsible, high motivated, and able to work in a team.
Willing to be placed in Yogyakarta or Klaten
Nutritional Representative (Code: NR)
Male / Female, max. 28 years old.
Has a min. D3 degree (any discipline).
Min. 1 year experience in Sales / Marketing.
Has good communication, presentation, and negotiation skills.
Holds Car Driving License / SIM A.
Has a good computer skill (min. MS Office application).
Job base : Jabotabek.
Willing to travel and placed in our branch offices all over Indonesia.
Area Control Supervisor (Code: ACS)
Male / Female, max. 35 years old.
Has a min. S1 degree in Accounting or Economy from reputable University.
Has min. 3 - 4 years experience in internal control, financial/accounting management, contract, and administrative function with strong commercial knowledge.
Willing to be relocated around Indonesia.
Fluent in English, able to operate computer, especially MS Office.
Job base: Jakarta
Please send your application letter including CV, recent photograph and contact number (not more than 150KB, windows base programs) to . Put code as subject of email. Only qualified applicants will be notified. Read More..
Production Supervisor (Code: PRD)
Male, max. 30 years old, must has S1 degree in Chemical Engineering / Food and Processing Technology.
Has min. 1-2 years experience in the same field preferably in food industry or consumer goods.
Has strong knowledge and experienced in Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, GMP/GHP, HACCP, SMK3, Halal) and production technology.
Has good understanding on baby food or consumer good.
Fluent in English (written & spoken).
Able to operate computer, especially MS Office.
Strong leadership, self-confidence, responsible, high motivated, and able to work in a team.
Willing to be placed in Yogyakarta or Klaten
Nutritional Representative (Code: NR)
Male / Female, max. 28 years old.
Has a min. D3 degree (any discipline).
Min. 1 year experience in Sales / Marketing.
Has good communication, presentation, and negotiation skills.
Holds Car Driving License / SIM A.
Has a good computer skill (min. MS Office application).
Job base : Jabotabek.
Willing to travel and placed in our branch offices all over Indonesia.
Area Control Supervisor (Code: ACS)
Male / Female, max. 35 years old.
Has a min. S1 degree in Accounting or Economy from reputable University.
Has min. 3 - 4 years experience in internal control, financial/accounting management, contract, and administrative function with strong commercial knowledge.
Willing to be relocated around Indonesia.
Fluent in English, able to operate computer, especially MS Office.
Job base: Jakarta
Please send your application letter including CV, recent photograph and contact number (not more than 150KB, windows base programs) to . Put code as subject of email. Only qualified applicants will be notified. Read More..
We have one open position as IT - Purchasing Officer.
Candidate qualifications:
* Degree in any discipline, preferably IT or Computer
* Having experience in managing procurement of IT related item, such as Software, hardware, in Financial institution
* Experience in handling Bidding process
* Capable in operate Microsoft Office is a must
* Active English
* Self motifated
* Honest
* having professional attitudeIf you thing your qualification meet the above requirement, then please sent your latest and detailed cv, to
This is an urgent reqruitment. Read More..
Candidate qualifications:
* Degree in any discipline, preferably IT or Computer
* Having experience in managing procurement of IT related item, such as Software, hardware, in Financial institution
* Experience in handling Bidding process
* Capable in operate Microsoft Office is a must
* Active English
* Self motifated
* Honest
* having professional attitudeIf you thing your qualification meet the above requirement, then please sent your latest and detailed cv, to
This is an urgent reqruitment. Read More..
Lowongan SLTA terbaru di PT. Batamec
PT. Batamec are entering a period of aggressive growth and are looking for a suitably qualified and experienced candidate to fill the vacancy of
a.. Male
b.. Min. Senior High
c.. Min. 30 years old
d.. Experience in similar position 3 years
e.. Good Attitude
f.. Excellent of health
a.. Male
b.. Min. Senior High
c.. Min. 30 years old
d.. Experience in similar position 3 years
e.. Having “6G” SMAW
f.. Good Attitude
g.. Excellent of health
Please note the position code as the subject of your e-mail and send full resume complete with recent photograph to:
We are expecting your application not exceeding 2 weeks after this publication
” Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview “ Read More..
PT. Batamec are entering a period of aggressive growth and are looking for a suitably qualified and experienced candidate to fill the vacancy of
a.. Male
b.. Min. Senior High
c.. Min. 30 years old
d.. Experience in similar position 3 years
e.. Good Attitude
f.. Excellent of health
a.. Male
b.. Min. Senior High
c.. Min. 30 years old
d.. Experience in similar position 3 years
e.. Having “6G” SMAW
f.. Good Attitude
g.. Excellent of health
Please note the position code as the subject of your e-mail and send full resume complete with recent photograph to:
We are expecting your application not exceeding 2 weeks after this publication
” Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview “ Read More..
*Urgently Required:*
We are a major Architecture Interior Design in Indonesia,
currently looking for *Personal Assistant *to manage and handle
administration and secretarial duties relate to her supervisor and company’s
*Candidate who will apply should have requirement as follows:*
1. Has Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Secretary.
2. Minimum 2 years strong and related experience, especially as
Executive Secretary or Personal Assistant
3. Age range between 22 - 35 years old
4. Able to communicate in English (passive)
5. Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, internet, scaner)
6. Strong interpersonal skills, responsible, hard working, trustworthy, team work, hospitable, smart.
Qualified candidates may send their CV including detail work experiences,
stating current and expected remuneration package, to
Cell no: 08164834977
or Bu Grace.
Cell No: 08568914997
*Please put “PAT” as the subject of your e-mail.* Read More..
We are a major Architecture Interior Design in Indonesia,
currently looking for *Personal Assistant *to manage and handle
administration and secretarial duties relate to her supervisor and company’s
*Candidate who will apply should have requirement as follows:*
1. Has Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Secretary.
2. Minimum 2 years strong and related experience, especially as
Executive Secretary or Personal Assistant
3. Age range between 22 - 35 years old
4. Able to communicate in English (passive)
5. Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, internet, scaner)
6. Strong interpersonal skills, responsible, hard working, trustworthy, team work, hospitable, smart.
Qualified candidates may send their CV including detail work experiences,
stating current and expected remuneration package, to
Cell no: 08164834977
or Bu Grace.
Cell No: 08568914997
*Please put “PAT” as the subject of your e-mail.* Read More..
Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java, Karawang will be the one of largest Yamaha factory in South East Asia. Which produce a lot of variant motorbike in Yamaha brand such as Jupiter, Vega, MIO.
Presently seeking a new young talented person, eager to learn, willing to move fast forward in his career to handle factory matters as follow:
Engineering Staff (Die Casting)
Job Requirements:
Age maximum 25 years old.
Diploma degrees in Mechanical Engineer Majoring Manufacture, Production.
GPA min 2.8 from State University and 3.00 scales 4 from Private University.
Have experience min 1 year handling Die Casting.
Have deep knowledge in Die Casting, able to draw in 2D/3D using Computer Software such as AutoCAD, Espre.
Proactive, good initiative, result and process oriented, able build relation at all level.
Familiar working in Japanese environment.
Sufficient candidate will be place in Karawang City, have good numeration such as Transport allowance, Meal, and also Medical Allowance.
If you have those qualifications above please send us through email your complete CV, Photograph not later than 6 June 2009 to:
Presently seeking a new young talented person, eager to learn, willing to move fast forward in his career to handle factory matters as follow:
Engineering Staff (Die Casting)
Job Requirements:
Age maximum 25 years old.
Diploma degrees in Mechanical Engineer Majoring Manufacture, Production.
GPA min 2.8 from State University and 3.00 scales 4 from Private University.
Have experience min 1 year handling Die Casting.
Have deep knowledge in Die Casting, able to draw in 2D/3D using Computer Software such as AutoCAD, Espre.
Proactive, good initiative, result and process oriented, able build relation at all level.
Familiar working in Japanese environment.
Sufficient candidate will be place in Karawang City, have good numeration such as Transport allowance, Meal, and also Medical Allowance.
If you have those qualifications above please send us through email your complete CV, Photograph not later than 6 June 2009 to:
Qatargas Operating Company has exciting opportunities available for qualified professionals to join our company in the development of the vast North Field in Qatar. Qatargas currently has under development over $20 billion worth of major projects, including the construction of four new Liquefied Natural Gas trains for the production and export of LNG to every corner of the globe.
All the following positions require working experience in the field of Oil, Gas or Petrochemical Industry together with excellent oral and written English skills with Computer knowledge.
Graduate/Diploma with min 8 years experience in LNG / LPG, gas turbine and Gas Treating plant with through knowledge of process. Control safe Start-up, Normal and Shutdown operations by DCS as per established procedures / operating manuals and good industry practices.
Diploma / NCTVT with a formal plant training with minimum 5 years experience in LNG Plant, LPG Refinery or Gas Treating plant in the same position. Thorough knowledge of Process is must.
Inlet Receiving
Graduate/Diploma with mm 10 years experience in receiving panel will familiar with slug catcher, Condensate stabilizer, piping operation, LPG treating and sour water injection.
Diploma / NCTVT with a formal plant training and able to lead his team on routine day to day process activities in receiving plant, familiar with slug catcher, Condensate stabilizer, piping operation, LPG treating and sour water injection. Minimum 6 years Experience and out of which at least 4 years as Senior Operator.
Qatargas offers a secure expatriate lifestyle in an international community with educational, medical and recreational facilities, competitive tax-free salaries, a full range of benefits, including family or bachelor housing, furnishings and generous paid annual vacation back to your country of origin.
Recruitment is being carried out by Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd.
Reply with detailed CV to
Uzma House
68 & 70, Fraser Business Park Jalan Metro Pudu 2,
55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
For more information about Qatargas, the expatriate community, benefits and Qatar in general, visit Qatargas website Read More..
All the following positions require working experience in the field of Oil, Gas or Petrochemical Industry together with excellent oral and written English skills with Computer knowledge.
Graduate/Diploma with min 8 years experience in LNG / LPG, gas turbine and Gas Treating plant with through knowledge of process. Control safe Start-up, Normal and Shutdown operations by DCS as per established procedures / operating manuals and good industry practices.
Diploma / NCTVT with a formal plant training with minimum 5 years experience in LNG Plant, LPG Refinery or Gas Treating plant in the same position. Thorough knowledge of Process is must.
Inlet Receiving
Graduate/Diploma with mm 10 years experience in receiving panel will familiar with slug catcher, Condensate stabilizer, piping operation, LPG treating and sour water injection.
Diploma / NCTVT with a formal plant training and able to lead his team on routine day to day process activities in receiving plant, familiar with slug catcher, Condensate stabilizer, piping operation, LPG treating and sour water injection. Minimum 6 years Experience and out of which at least 4 years as Senior Operator.
Qatargas offers a secure expatriate lifestyle in an international community with educational, medical and recreational facilities, competitive tax-free salaries, a full range of benefits, including family or bachelor housing, furnishings and generous paid annual vacation back to your country of origin.
Recruitment is being carried out by Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd.
Reply with detailed CV to
Uzma House
68 & 70, Fraser Business Park Jalan Metro Pudu 2,
55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
For more information about Qatargas, the expatriate community, benefits and Qatar in general, visit Qatargas website Read More..
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Lowongan Pekerjaan Mei 2009 di Jakarta Posisi PURCHASING & IMPORT STAFF di PT.Mensa Binasukses
PT.Mensa Binasukses, or know in by our customers as “MBS” is member of MENSA GROUP (, a healthcare products distribution company. We provide distribution services to our principals who manufacture and market their products in Indonesia.
Our distribution services includes:
- Order collection from resellers through field force.
- Order fulfillment
- Payment collection
- Sales information for marketing purposes
- Other customized services
Visit us at:
PURCHASING & IMPORT STAFF (2 post-Pulogadung)
Opening positions at PULOGADUNG industrial complex
1 position: IMPORT STAFF
Purchasing Staff:
-Ability (min. Passive) in Mandarin language
-Female with max. age 27 years old
-Has working experience in Purchasing function as Staff for at least 1 year
-Familiar handling purchase order, purchasing administration, follow up purchasing status
-Diploma/ Bachelor Degree from any major
Import Staff:
-Ability (min. Passive) in Mandarin language
-Female max. 27 years old
-Has working experience as Import Staff for at least 1 year
-Familiar handling PEB document and Import transaction permission/ docs
-Diploma/ Bachelor Degree from any major
Address your complete resume
DO NOT SEND CV or DATA WITH SIZE > 100Kb Read More..
Our distribution services includes:
- Order collection from resellers through field force.
- Order fulfillment
- Payment collection
- Sales information for marketing purposes
- Other customized services
Visit us at:
PURCHASING & IMPORT STAFF (2 post-Pulogadung)
Opening positions at PULOGADUNG industrial complex
1 position: IMPORT STAFF
Purchasing Staff:
-Ability (min. Passive) in Mandarin language
-Female with max. age 27 years old
-Has working experience in Purchasing function as Staff for at least 1 year
-Familiar handling purchase order, purchasing administration, follow up purchasing status
-Diploma/ Bachelor Degree from any major
Import Staff:
-Ability (min. Passive) in Mandarin language
-Female max. 27 years old
-Has working experience as Import Staff for at least 1 year
-Familiar handling PEB document and Import transaction permission/ docs
-Diploma/ Bachelor Degree from any major
Address your complete resume
DO NOT SEND CV or DATA WITH SIZE > 100Kb Read More..
Lowongan Kerja Mei 2009 di Jakarta Posisi Tax Officer di PT.ALUN
The PT.Alun Group specializes in the sales and service of Renault Trucks in Indonesia
Its business encompasses a wide spectrum of industry needs from small to heavy duty trucks in various configurations and train weights.
As further expansion for its business in Indonesia, the Sole Agent of PT Alun, requires some Positions to fulfill our employment needs. Below is the position that we’re looking for:
Tax Officer (TO)
-Male/Female, maximum age is 30 years old
-A Diploma (D3)/Degree (S1) from Accounting
-English & Computer literate
-Min 1 year of experience as tax officer
Those who did not meet the qualification above need not to apply
Please submit your complete application & Expected salary to the following
Gedung Alun Graha, Jl. Prof Dr Soepomo No. 233 Tebet
Jak-Sel 12870 Read More..
Its business encompasses a wide spectrum of industry needs from small to heavy duty trucks in various configurations and train weights.
As further expansion for its business in Indonesia, the Sole Agent of PT Alun, requires some Positions to fulfill our employment needs. Below is the position that we’re looking for:
Tax Officer (TO)
-Male/Female, maximum age is 30 years old
-A Diploma (D3)/Degree (S1) from Accounting
-English & Computer literate
-Min 1 year of experience as tax officer
Those who did not meet the qualification above need not to apply
Please submit your complete application & Expected salary to the following
Gedung Alun Graha, Jl. Prof Dr Soepomo No. 233 Tebet
Jak-Sel 12870 Read More..
Lowongan kerja Telesindo Shop 2009

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang telekomunikasi yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan kandidat profesional untuk bergabung mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:
Customer Service
Wanita, usia Max 27 thn
Pendidikan Min. D3
Single, berpenampilan menarik
Pengalaman Min 1 thn
Menguasai Komputer (min. Ms.Office)
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Bersedia bekerja shift dan ditempatkan di Jabodetabek
Bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan
IT Support
Usia Max. 30 tahun
Pendidikan D3 jurusan komputer / informatika
Pengalaman min. 1 tahun dibidangnya
Menguasai Flash, Dreamweaver, LAN, WAN, SQL.
Memahami konsep CMS (Content Management System) dan familiar PHP sebagai nilai tambah.
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan komunikasi yang baik.
Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim dan bersedia bekerja shift
Supervisor Sales
Pria Usia Max . 40 thn
Pengalaman bekerja di consumer goods, min 2 thn
Pendidikan Min D3
Menguasai Komputer
Mempunyai Kendaraan pribadi
Bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan, target oriented.
Bersedia ditempatkan di luar kota
Accounting Staff
Wanita, Usia Max 35 Thn
Single, berpenampilan Menarik
Pendidikan Min. S1, pengalaman Min 2 thn dibidang nya
Menguasai Komputer, Bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan
Bisa bahasa Mandarin
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, kirimkan segera lamaran anda dilengkapi dengan CV, serta pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4X6 cm ke: . Read More..
Metrodata Job Vacancies May - June 2009

As the number one local IT Company in Indonesia, Metrodata believed that having a solid team who’s committed to customer satisfaction, commitment to excellence and value creation is the best ways in aiming the top of achievement. In order to fulfill these commitments, we invite the best professionals in their field to join our team.
DBA for Oracle Core Technology - (DBA OCT)
S1 graduate from reputable university, preferably in Technical/IT major.
Fluent in English both oral and written.
Experience 1+ years with knowledge of installation and configuration of Oracle Database, RAC, Dataguard, OAS and other DB Option is preferable
Having certification of OCA/OCP is beneficial but not essential
Should have have been involved in Systems & Application integration projects.
Should have knowledge of Server, Storage, and OS technologies.
Should have experience of Oracle Database Option such as RAC, Dataguard, OAS, Partitioning, Database Vault, etc
Should have experiance of Implementation in Unix base (AIX, HPUX, Solaris, Linux) and Windows base
As part of post sales engagement , should have made technical documentation.
Supporting the sales and presales team throughout the business winning process, also assist in the implementation.
Closing date: May 30, 2009
Business Representative for Geographical Expansion (BR GX)
Bachelor degree from reputable University in any major
Minimum 1 years experience in selling IT Products (hardware or software)
Possess good relationship with various IT vendor
Good analytical skill in accommodating customer needs
Good Influence & Negotiation skills
Wiling to be located or preferably live in Surabaya/Medan/Bandung/Jogja/Lampung/Pontianak/Samarinda/Makasar
Closing date: June 25, 2009
Presales SOA/IMS - (PRS SOA/IMS)
Bachelor or Master degree from reputable University in any major
3 years experiences with proven track record in managing principal/vendor or sales team
Experience as “Presales Solution Architect or Business Consultant”
Proven ability in planning, organizing and managing whole activities in selling IT Products
Experience with software design and project development
Have knowledge in middleware application and business process management would be an advantage (WebLogic, or WebMethods, or WebSphere or other big vendor)
Ability in programming and implementation of WebServices/SOA-based application or Identity Management Solution is preferable
Experience From IT Solution Company specially in Software Application Development
Handling & Exploring the Product & Selling Development (for internal and external relationship)
Able to work in a team
English proficiency is a must (doing presentation and building proposal)
Strong communication
Closing date: June 28, 2009
Producs Marketing Manager for Surabaya (PMM SBY)
3 yrs exp. in managing sales team selling IT products and services to corporate customers
Posses good relation or networking with primary businesses in Indonesia mainly in Manufacturing, Retail or Distribution Industry
Proven Track record in achieving Sales Target and Customer Satisfaction
Strong communication, negotiation and analytical skill
Willing to be located or preferably live in Surabaya
At least 3 years experiences with proven track record in managing principal/vendor or sales force team
English proficiency is a must
Closing date: May 31, 2009
Business Representative for Corporate Sales Unit (BR CSU)
Male/Female, bachelor degree from reputable University in any discipline.
Age around 24-30 years old
Have 3 years experience in selling IT products and services or application/solution to corporate customers with proven track record of achieving his/her sales and customer satisfaction targets.
He/she should also have an extensive knowledge in hardware and software in any platform.
Have a good knowledge, experience, networking in one of this sector: Banking, Government/Public Sector, Telecommunication, Energy or Oil & Gas Industry.
Closing date: June 30, 2009 Read More..
Ciputra Group Career Oppurtunity 2009

Ciputra Group was founded by Ir. Ciputra and his family about 25 years ago. Our core business is property, but we have business activities in media and retail. We have been developing big scale housing complexes, malls, hotels, apartments, golf courses and other property related business. Ciputra Group has 3 go-public companies (Ciputra Development Tbk, Ciputra Surya Tbk. Ciputra Property Tbk) and some non go public companies. Now we aim to expand to all over Indonesia and other countries. We need many young professionals to be part to our dynamic and innovative team.
Tenant Design Coordinator (TDC)
Maximum age 30 years old
Hold Bachelor degree in Architect
Having experience as TDC or Fit Out Architect in Mall min 1 years
Having experience in Fit Out anchor tenant (Hypermart, Dept Store, Cinema, etc)
Having experience in Fit Out designer for tenant International brands
Willing to work in Jakarta for 1 year, and after that will be placed in Surabaya
Please submit your resume with recent photograph to: HRD Ciputra Group, Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 6 Jakarta 12940 or by email to : or . Read More..
PT Arutmin Indonesia Job Vacancies May - June 2009

PT Arutmin Indonesia is a global leading company in energy coal business with mine operations and a world-class coal terminal in South Kalimantan. To support its business growth, the company is searching for a potential dynamic individual to fill the vacant position in the company as:
Assistant Blast Engineer (Code: ABE)
This is a Staff position reporting to mine engineer. He/she is responsible for monitoring explosive materials and the magazine in order to assure all explosive materials are well handled and in safety manner.
Required Qualifications
Holding Diploma degree (D-3) in Mining or Geology
Min. 2 years exp. in coal explorations, open pit operation or engineering.
Good knowledge in preparing mine blasting by using ANFO and its technique.
Computer literate (MS office; preferably mincom mining software)
Possess good communication skill in Indonesian and English.
Possess strong capability to work as a team.
Showed high integrity and commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety and business ethic.
Closing date: June 3, 2009
Safety Officer (Code: SO)
This position is based at our site in South Kalimantan. This is a staff position reporting to Safety & Health Supervisor. This position is responsible for planning, implementing & controlling safety programs to ensure that all employees, and contractors comply with the company policy and standard on safety.
Required Qualifications
Min. S1 Degree in health science or relevant disciplines
Having minimum 2 years experiences in related position.
Good skills in assessment, auditing, training in health, safety & security.
Possess good knowledge in mining safety and health regulations, HSE management and audit system.
Posses good interpersonal, leadership skill and people management
Capable to work with minimum supervision, willing to work hard and under pressure.
Good communication skills in Indonesia and English both written and oral, computer literate in Microsoft Office Programs.
High integrity, dedicated, and team work oriented and high commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety and business ethic and Good Corporate Governance.
Closing date: May 25, 2009
All applications will be kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Attractive remuneration plus generous benefits will be offered to the successful candidate. Please send your application and resume in English, recent photograph & Copy ID card and put the position code at the top-right side of the envelope to: Recruitment PO BOX 4619 JKP 10046, fax: 021-57945688 or email to . Read More..
Laki-laki / Perempuan
Pendidikan S1 Degree
Pengalaman minimum 5 tahun sebagai Manager Produksi
Lebih disukai di perusahaan manufacturing (produk Tissue basah)
Bersedia ditempatkan di Legok Tangerang
Bisa menggunakan komputer Microsoft Office (Word Excel)
Only qualified candidates are encouraged to apply!
Please submit your CV and your current photograph to: Read More..
Laki-laki / Perempuan
Pendidikan S1 Degree
Pengalaman minimum 5 tahun sebagai Manager Produksi
Lebih disukai di perusahaan manufacturing (produk Tissue basah)
Bersedia ditempatkan di Legok Tangerang
Bisa menggunakan komputer Microsoft Office (Word Excel)
Only qualified candidates are encouraged to apply!
Please submit your CV and your current photograph to: Read More..
Female / Male
Minimum S1 Degree in Chemical
Minimum 4 years experience in the same field
Have experience in Wet Tissue is preferable
Have good leadership skills and able to manage team
Willing to be located in Tangerang
Only qualified candidates are encouraged to apply!
Please submit your CV and your current photograph to: Read More..
Female / Male
Minimum S1 Degree in Chemical
Minimum 4 years experience in the same field
Have experience in Wet Tissue is preferable
Have good leadership skills and able to manage team
Willing to be located in Tangerang
Only qualified candidates are encouraged to apply!
Please submit your CV and your current photograph to: Read More..
Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Platon Niaga Berjangka (PNB), established in year 2000, is a pioneer in financial futures trading. PNB offers foreign exchange, equity indexes, commodities and alternative investments to customers. Platon Niaga Berjangka is dedicated to adding value for customers, employees and the community through the delivery of total quality financial services. One of the Company under the supervision of the Department of Trade Requires professional staff to be placed in our headquarters in South Celebes, Makassar Area for the position:
Management Trainee (MD)
Male / female. From all graduates.
Very Experienced in the field of Marketing.
More preferably experience in Banking and Property business.
Have a very good ability in leading the team.
Live in Makassar, South Celebes
Financial Consultant (FC)
Male / female max 32 thn. From all graduates.
More preferably a graduate of Foreign Affairs.
Can communicate in English.
Live in Makassar, South Celebes
Platon Niaga Berjangka willing to negotiate in providing a very high monthly allowance and others additional bonus
Medical Insurance will provide for you we have appointed our permanent employees.
Send your resume to or Read More..

Universal Synergy is An Executive Search Consultant which is providing outstanding executive and corporate support both national and multinational companies.
With our expert recruiting Consultant, Universal Synergy - Executive Search Consultant offers high-caliber retained search services to locate and attract professionals equipped with the skills and talents needed by our clients national and multinational companies .
Our Client, A Reputable Foreign Oil and Gas Exploration Company with Several Blocks in Indonesia is seeking suitable candidates to join their project as:
Senior Electrical Engineer
Primary Purpose of the Job:
Responsible for the operation and maintenance of 33kV overhead lines distribution network, Substations associated with high voltage equipment.
Responsible for the operation and maintenance of the 11kV distribution system.
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Chartered Engineer or equivalent.
Valid High Voltage isolation authority registration Certificate.
Experience & Skills:
15 years Electrical Engineering experience in the installation, maintenance, overhaul and repair of High Voltage and Medium Voltage electrical distribution systems, plant and equipment and at least 6 years in an engineering position, preferably in the Oil and Gas, Petrochemical or Power Distribution Industry.
A thorough knowledge of the electrical system is essential.
Working knowledge of personal computers.
Knowledge of Inventory Control and Project Management desirable.
Good communication skills in English language (spoken & written)
Please kindly send us your resume only To:
Universal Synergy - Executive Search Consultant
(Energy and Mineral Division)
Email: Read More..
PT ANDALAS AGRO INDUSTRI, adalah salah satu perusahaan PMA yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit yang mempunyai lokasi kerja di Sumatera Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Kalimantan Timur. Saat ini PT Andalas Agro Industri membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga muda & profesional untuk mengisi lowongan sebagai berikut:
Usia Max 30 tahun
Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi
Pengalaman di bidang accounting atau perpajakan 2 – 3 tahun
Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan dan tulisan
Menguasai bidang akuntansi dan keuangan
Kirimkan paling lambat 29 Mei 2009; surat lamaran, riwayat hidup, pas foto terbaru dan dokumen-dokumen pendukung lainnya ke alamat berikut ini :
HRD Department
Rukan Cordoba Blok G No 26
Pantai Indah Kapuk
Jakarta Utara 14470 Read More..
Usia Max 30 tahun
Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi
Pengalaman di bidang accounting atau perpajakan 2 – 3 tahun
Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan dan tulisan
Menguasai bidang akuntansi dan keuangan
Kirimkan paling lambat 29 Mei 2009; surat lamaran, riwayat hidup, pas foto terbaru dan dokumen-dokumen pendukung lainnya ke alamat berikut ini :
HRD Department
Rukan Cordoba Blok G No 26
Pantai Indah Kapuk
Jakarta Utara 14470 Read More..
Lowongan Kerja PT HM Sampoerna May 2009

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia that produces such superior brands as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau, and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies. Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate and enterprising spirit to grow with us in forming the future of our business as:
HR Information Project Analyst - Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
To execute Human Resources information system implementation to enhance existing HR business processes inline with company’s project management standards, procedures and policies as well as ensure proper integration between HR System and other local and global systems during the project implementation.
Holding a minimum Bachelor Degree from Information System / Technology with minimum GPA 3.0;
Familiar with SQL programming;
Able to create test plan and scenario based on Functional Specification;
Able to make test scripts and perform functional and unit tests;
Fluent in English both speaking & writing is a must;
Having knowledge in Global ERP software and HR business processes is a plus;
Having good analytical and learning capability, achievement orientation and teamwork & co-operation
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please do your online application and attach your comprehensive resume in our career website at the link below or directly email us at not later than 26 May 2009. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Read More..
Lowongan kerja Bank ICBC Indonesia May 2009
PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia (ICBC Indonesia) is a subsidiary bank and is 97.83% owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC Ltd), the biggest commercial bank in china, has been operating in Indonesia since 2007 with total 12 branches in area of Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. ICBC Ltd in 2007 has won various honors such as "Best Bank in China", "Best Trading in the World", "Best Management Company in China" awarded by the magazine Bankers, Global Finance, The Assets, Finance Asia, and was appraised by Economic Observer as "Most Honored Corporation in China". ICBC Indonesia has commitment to build a financial bridge to serve the ever-increasing economic corporation between China and Indonesia and it will also provides quality and diversified financial services to corporate and individual customers in Indonesia and ASEAN. Our motto is, “Your Future is Our Future and Our Future is Your Future”. Due to our growth and expansion, we are seeking for highly talented candidates to fill in our vacant position
Operator Telephone (Receptionist - Jakarta Raya)
Answer a high volume of calls and maintain a rapid response rate according to agreed standards.
Log information on calls received, where required and maintain detailed and accurate records.
Maintain and update continuously, by local knowledge and by local means, a log of the availability of staff likely to receive inbound calls.
File data and perform other routine clerical tasks as assigned and for other departments as needed.
Order and maintain relevant office supplies for effectiveness of personal duties.
Operate a variety of standard office machines, including a personal computer and a variety of computer software, phone, fax, calculator, shredding machine and photocopy machine.
Communicate and liaise verbally and in writing between customers/suppliers/visitors/enquirers and relevant staff, and interpret and respond clearly and effectively to spoken requests over the phone or in person, and to verbal or written instructions.
Establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors and the general public.
Perform reception duties in and efficient, professional and courteous manner.
Maintain regular consistent and professional attendance, punctuality, personal appearance, and adherence to relevant health & safety procedures.
Pursue personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective performance of the role
Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Associate Degree, any field.
Required skill(s): Microsoft Office.
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time positions available.
Well Grooming
Efective verbal & listening communication skill
Honest & trustworthy
Have a stress & time management skill
Application should be sent before May 27, 2009. We apologize that only short listed candidates will be notified and no telephone enquiries will be entertained. Send your application to and please state the job code. Read More..
Operator Telephone (Receptionist - Jakarta Raya)
Answer a high volume of calls and maintain a rapid response rate according to agreed standards.
Log information on calls received, where required and maintain detailed and accurate records.
Maintain and update continuously, by local knowledge and by local means, a log of the availability of staff likely to receive inbound calls.
File data and perform other routine clerical tasks as assigned and for other departments as needed.
Order and maintain relevant office supplies for effectiveness of personal duties.
Operate a variety of standard office machines, including a personal computer and a variety of computer software, phone, fax, calculator, shredding machine and photocopy machine.
Communicate and liaise verbally and in writing between customers/suppliers/visitors/enquirers and relevant staff, and interpret and respond clearly and effectively to spoken requests over the phone or in person, and to verbal or written instructions.
Establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors and the general public.
Perform reception duties in and efficient, professional and courteous manner.
Maintain regular consistent and professional attendance, punctuality, personal appearance, and adherence to relevant health & safety procedures.
Pursue personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective performance of the role
Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Associate Degree, any field.
Required skill(s): Microsoft Office.
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time positions available.
Well Grooming
Efective verbal & listening communication skill
Honest & trustworthy
Have a stress & time management skill
Application should be sent before May 27, 2009. We apologize that only short listed candidates will be notified and no telephone enquiries will be entertained. Send your application to and please state the job code. Read More..
Trimegah Securities Job Oppurtunities 2009

At Trimegah, we have an environment where people with energy, creativity and commitment work together as a professional and a team to achieve ambitious goals. And we all work to the highest standards of professional excellence and integrity. Investment in education and training is imperative for Trimegah. Over the years Trimegah has implemented and constantly updated its training system, which is specifically directed towards meeting the particular requirements of the organisation.
Everybody who has the qualification that is formally required for a certain position, can expect to be invited to a personal interview in our Human Resources Department or our branch office across 9 cities. We encourage experienced professionals - particularly those with financial institution expertise who wish to be part of a fast growing company to apply online for open positions.
Trainee for Junior Equity Sales (Stock Broker)
Achieve business objective in Equity sales area & manage clients’ portfolio.
Contact prospective customers to determine clients’ needs, present information, and explain available Equity services.
Develop financial plans based on analysis of clients' financial status.
Offer advice on the purchase or sale of Equity securities.
Hold minimum at least a Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
Fresh graduate or have maximum 2 years work experience
Able to speak English / Mandarin / Hokkian is an advantageous
Have strong interest in sales area and Capital Market
Having WPPE License from Bapepam-LK would be advantageous
A keen ability to communicate effectively
Willing to be placed in our branches in Indonesia
Customer Relation Officer
Achieve business objective in mutual funds area
Contact prospective customers to determine clients’ needs, present information, and explain available Mutual Fund services
Offer advice on the purchase or sale of Mutual Funds products
Hold minimum a Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university
Fresh graduates or maximum 2 years experience in similar industries
Having WAPERD License from Bapepam-LK would be advantageous
Good appearance, costumer service oriented, smart and friendly
Willing to be placed in our branches in Indonesia
If you think that you’re the one we’re looking for, then connect yourself to our “Talent Pool”. Join our career website & take opportunities to work at one of the best securities company in Indonesia. Read More..
Lowongan Nasmoco PT. New Ratna Motor Mei - Juni 2009
PT. New Ratna Motor adalah Authorized Toyota Main Dealer untuk area Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang bergerak dibidang jasa penjualan, perawatan, perbaikan, dan penyediaan suku cadang Toyota. Kami memberikan layanan profesional melalui jaringan dealer resmi Toyota, Nasmoco Group, di 10 kota terbesar di seluruh Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta seperti Semarang, Solo, Salatiga, Magelang, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, Cilacap, Tegal, Pekalongan, dan Kudus.
Management Trainee
Pria (di utamakan)
Usia maksimal 28 tahun
Sarjana/S1 jurusan: Ekonomi, Manajemen, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri IPK min. 3.00
Berpengalaman 1 tahun (di utamakan)
Fresh graduate dipersilahkan melamar
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan konsep yang baik
Memiliki potensi menjadi pemimpin
Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
Terbiasa mengaplikasikan Microsoft Office
Memiliki kemauan belajar yang kuat
Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh Dealer Nasmoco Group (Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta)
Finance & Accounting Manager
Pria (di utamakan)
Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Sarjana/S1 Akuntansi berpengalaman 3 tahun di level managerial pada perusahaan berskala Nasional
Menguasai Neraca Konsolidasi dan Perpajakan
Berbahasa Inggris aktif dan menguasai komputer
Bersedia di tempatkan di Semarang
Segera kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV lengkap & pas foto terbaru, ke alamat e-mail kami, paling lambat diterima tanggal 9 Juni 2009 ke: HRD Department Nasmoco Group, PO BOX 1230 Semarang atau E-mail: . Read More..
Management Trainee
Pria (di utamakan)
Usia maksimal 28 tahun
Sarjana/S1 jurusan: Ekonomi, Manajemen, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri IPK min. 3.00
Berpengalaman 1 tahun (di utamakan)
Fresh graduate dipersilahkan melamar
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan konsep yang baik
Memiliki potensi menjadi pemimpin
Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
Terbiasa mengaplikasikan Microsoft Office
Memiliki kemauan belajar yang kuat
Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh Dealer Nasmoco Group (Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta)
Finance & Accounting Manager
Pria (di utamakan)
Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Sarjana/S1 Akuntansi berpengalaman 3 tahun di level managerial pada perusahaan berskala Nasional
Menguasai Neraca Konsolidasi dan Perpajakan
Berbahasa Inggris aktif dan menguasai komputer
Bersedia di tempatkan di Semarang
Segera kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV lengkap & pas foto terbaru, ke alamat e-mail kami, paling lambat diterima tanggal 9 Juni 2009 ke: HRD Department Nasmoco Group, PO BOX 1230 Semarang atau E-mail: . Read More..
Dibutuhkan segera beberapa orang guru untuk mengajar di SMA dan SMP. Guru Bidang Studi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
A. Guru SMA
1. PPKn
2. Geografi
3. Seni Musik
B. Guru SMP
1. Pendidikan Jasmani
2. Seni Rupa
3. Bahasa Indonesia
1. Pendidikan S1 sesuai jurusan + Akta IV
2. Pengalaman mengajar di sekolah Min. 2 Tahun
Lamaran lengkap dikirimkan paling lambat 30 Juni 2009 ke:
Bagian HRD PO BOX 1560 JKS 12015 e-mail:
( effendy underscore dm at yahoo dot co dot id ) Read More..
Dibutuhkan segera beberapa orang guru untuk mengajar di SMA dan SMP. Guru Bidang Studi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
A. Guru SMA
1. PPKn
2. Geografi
3. Seni Musik
B. Guru SMP
1. Pendidikan Jasmani
2. Seni Rupa
3. Bahasa Indonesia
1. Pendidikan S1 sesuai jurusan + Akta IV
2. Pengalaman mengajar di sekolah Min. 2 Tahun
Lamaran lengkap dikirimkan paling lambat 30 Juni 2009 ke:
Bagian HRD PO BOX 1560 JKS 12015 e-mail:
( effendy underscore dm at yahoo dot co dot id ) Read More..
Niaga Finance is a subsidiary of Bank CIMB Niaga, one of the largest banking in Indonesia. Niaga Finance currently is one of the providers heavy equipment leasing and consumer finance services in Indonesia. As the company growth, we would like to invite you to be a part of our dynamic team to fill these positions below :
Accounting Staff
(Code : ACS)
Handling Accounting GL reconciliation, prepare for Accounting proofsheet and other required reports.
Qualifications :
•Male/female, max. 30 years old
•Min. S1 Accounting/Finance, preferably from reputable university
•At least 1 years experience with the same position
•Attention to detail, high accuracy and excellent administration skills
Send your application to the e-mail address below and please state the job code. Only shortlisted candidates with those qualifications will be called for interview
email :
HR Division
(attn: Mr.Erwin) Read More..
Accounting Staff
(Code : ACS)
Handling Accounting GL reconciliation, prepare for Accounting proofsheet and other required reports.
Qualifications :
•Male/female, max. 30 years old
•Min. S1 Accounting/Finance, preferably from reputable university
•At least 1 years experience with the same position
•Attention to detail, high accuracy and excellent administration skills
Send your application to the e-mail address below and please state the job code. Only shortlisted candidates with those qualifications will be called for interview
email :
HR Division
(attn: Mr.Erwin) Read More..
We are the property arm of The Keppel Group, One of Singapore’s
largest multinational groups with core business in offshore and marine,
infrastructure, and property. As an established developer, we are
geographically diversified across 11 countries in Asia Pacific. Keppel
Land has been in Indonesia for over 15 years with project locations in
Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bintan, Batam, Bali and Manado.
Now that we are expanding further, we are seeking motivated candidates
We are looking for experienced team member candidates and only
short-listed individuals will be notified. If you meet our requirements,
please send your CV in English with your most recent photograph to the
email below.
Desirable Qualification
- A bachelor degree holder in finance, accounting, or business
- Maximum 35 years old with minimum 2 years of relevant experience
- Possesses hands-on skills in handling account payable, general ledger,
balance sheet and financial statement analysis
- Previous experience within the property industry will be an advantage
- Has pleasant personality and great communication skills
- Proficient in written and spoken English and computer literate
- Has high attention to details, accurate, analytical, meticulous,
numerate and responsible
Please send your CV in English with photograph to:
Human Resources Division / KEPPEL LAND
Wisma BCA, Tower II, Lantai 5A
JL. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 22-23,
Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12920
or email to:
Read More..
We are the property arm of The Keppel Group, One of Singapore’s
largest multinational groups with core business in offshore and marine,
infrastructure, and property. As an established developer, we are
geographically diversified across 11 countries in Asia Pacific. Keppel
Land has been in Indonesia for over 15 years with project locations in
Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bintan, Batam, Bali and Manado.
Now that we are expanding further, we are seeking motivated candidates
We are looking for experienced team member candidates and only
short-listed individuals will be notified. If you meet our requirements,
please send your CV in English with your most recent photograph to the
email below.
Desirable Qualification
- A bachelor degree holder in finance, accounting, or business
- Maximum 35 years old with minimum 2 years of relevant experience
- Possesses hands-on skills in handling account payable, general ledger,
balance sheet and financial statement analysis
- Previous experience within the property industry will be an advantage
- Has pleasant personality and great communication skills
- Proficient in written and spoken English and computer literate
- Has high attention to details, accurate, analytical, meticulous,
numerate and responsible
Please send your CV in English with photograph to:
Human Resources Division / KEPPEL LAND
Wisma BCA, Tower II, Lantai 5A
JL. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 22-23,
Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12920
or email to:
We Are Construction & Steel Fabrication Company, Seeking for A qualified Candidate As :
Site Supervisor ( Site Spv)
Requirement :
1. Male, Age Min. 28 years old
2. Diploma or Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in Civil Engineering, With Minimum IPK : 3.00
3. Min. Experience 1 (one) years in Steel Structure or Steel Construction
4. Ability for spoken and written english.
5. Have a good technical and steel work
6. Good interpersonal skill and can be work as team
7. Master on drawing and AutoCad
8. Willing to be placed at Site Project
If u are meet the requirement, please send your CV and Application (recent photograph) not longer than May 28th, 2009 to:
PT. Tekniko Indonesia
Karawaci Office Park
Ruko Pinangsia Blok G No. 1
Karawaci - Tangerang
Or Please email to :
Only Qualified and Advantage Candidate would be Shortlisted. Read More..
Site Supervisor ( Site Spv)
Requirement :
1. Male, Age Min. 28 years old
2. Diploma or Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in Civil Engineering, With Minimum IPK : 3.00
3. Min. Experience 1 (one) years in Steel Structure or Steel Construction
4. Ability for spoken and written english.
5. Have a good technical and steel work
6. Good interpersonal skill and can be work as team
7. Master on drawing and AutoCad
8. Willing to be placed at Site Project
If u are meet the requirement, please send your CV and Application (recent photograph) not longer than May 28th, 2009 to:
PT. Tekniko Indonesia
Karawaci Office Park
Ruko Pinangsia Blok G No. 1
Karawaci - Tangerang
Or Please email to :
Only Qualified and Advantage Candidate would be Shortlisted. Read More..
Lowongan Pekerjaan Mei 2009 di Jakarta Posisi Staff Finance & Accounting di PT.PRAMBANAN KENCANA
PT.PRAMBANAN KENCANA adalah Perusahaan Distribution Foodservice, Retail & Industri berskala nasional yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1953 dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan memiliki cabang di beberapa kota di Indonesia membutuhkan segera untuk posisi :
Staff Finance & Accounting
Responsibilities :
-Wanita Usia Max 25 tahun, minimal D3 Jurusan Akuntansi/Manajemen
-Memahami ruang lingkup pekerjaan Finance & Accounting
-Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer (microsoft word, excel, dll)
-Dapat segera bekerja, paling lambat awal bulan Juni
Please direct your application with detailed resume and recent photograph to :
PT.Prambanan Kencana
Delta Building Blok A 28 – 29
Jl.Suryopranoto No. 1 – 9 Jakarta Pusat
Email : Read More..
Staff Finance & Accounting
Responsibilities :
-Wanita Usia Max 25 tahun, minimal D3 Jurusan Akuntansi/Manajemen
-Memahami ruang lingkup pekerjaan Finance & Accounting
-Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer (microsoft word, excel, dll)
-Dapat segera bekerja, paling lambat awal bulan Juni
Please direct your application with detailed resume and recent photograph to :
PT.Prambanan Kencana
Delta Building Blok A 28 – 29
Jl.Suryopranoto No. 1 – 9 Jakarta Pusat
Email : Read More..
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Mei 2009 di Jakarta Posisi LEGAL OFFICER di PT.KLIRING PENJAMINAN EFEK INDONESIA(KPEI)
PT.KLIRING PENJAMINAN EFEK INDONESIA(KPEI) A company in capital market industry-subsidiary company of Indonesia Stock Exchange, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
Job Role:
Responsible for reviewing and drafting agreements, legal opinion, advice and handle legal affairs and also preparing all legal documents for company purposes.
- Bachelors (S1) degree from reputable universities in Law;
- Min. GPA: 3.00 (scale : 4.00);
- Age max. 28 years old;
- Min 1 year experience of working in legal area;
- Good understanding in corporate and business law;
- Excellent communication and presentation skills, both verbal and in writing;
- Fluency in written and spoken English;
- Familiar with Capital Market activities is an advantage.
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR Dept
PT.Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl.Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by email:
You can find out more details of us on Read More..
Job Role:
Responsible for reviewing and drafting agreements, legal opinion, advice and handle legal affairs and also preparing all legal documents for company purposes.
- Bachelors (S1) degree from reputable universities in Law;
- Min. GPA: 3.00 (scale : 4.00);
- Age max. 28 years old;
- Min 1 year experience of working in legal area;
- Good understanding in corporate and business law;
- Excellent communication and presentation skills, both verbal and in writing;
- Fluency in written and spoken English;
- Familiar with Capital Market activities is an advantage.
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR Dept
PT.Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl.Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by email:
You can find out more details of us on Read More..
PT. Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) or previously known as PT.
Koneba (Persero) is a state-owned enterprise that provide services in
energy conservation and energy management.
We have developed Energy Management System Model incorporating
methodologies in achieving sustainable energy saving as well as managing
risk related to energy source and energy utilization.
Visit us at:
Marketing (Kode Posisi: MK)
1. Female
2. Bachelor or Master Degree from reputable university (Engineering
3. At least 2 years experience in marketing (especially in energy
services area)
4. Proficiency in written & verbal English is preferred.
5. Able to make mass marketing program.
6. Able to develop marketing concept and strategy.
7. Computer Literate.
8. Good communication / excellent negotiation, leadership and
multi-tasking skills.
9. Good interpersonal skill, target oriented, hardworking and
professional manner.
10. Can work under pressure.
11. Willing to work overtime.
12. Creative and innovative.
Send your CV (transcript and recent photograph) before 12 June 2009 to:
(Put position code as email subject) Read More..
Koneba (Persero) is a state-owned enterprise that provide services in
energy conservation and energy management.
We have developed Energy Management System Model incorporating
methodologies in achieving sustainable energy saving as well as managing
risk related to energy source and energy utilization.
Visit us at:
Marketing (Kode Posisi: MK)
1. Female
2. Bachelor or Master Degree from reputable university (Engineering
3. At least 2 years experience in marketing (especially in energy
services area)
4. Proficiency in written & verbal English is preferred.
5. Able to make mass marketing program.
6. Able to develop marketing concept and strategy.
7. Computer Literate.
8. Good communication / excellent negotiation, leadership and
multi-tasking skills.
9. Good interpersonal skill, target oriented, hardworking and
professional manner.
10. Can work under pressure.
11. Willing to work overtime.
12. Creative and innovative.
Send your CV (transcript and recent photograph) before 12 June 2009 to:
(Put position code as email subject) Read More..
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company (ISO 9000 certified)
inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
- Female, max.26 years old, Min. SMEA in Accounting
- Experience min.2 year in similar position
- Job location: Padang
â— Min. GPA 2,85 â— Computer literate â— Â Fair in English
â— Good Communication skills â— Good team player â— Self motivated
Please submit your CV/resume & recent photograph
email to:
Put the position & job location you applied as an email subject (max.200kb Read More..
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company (ISO 9000 certified)
inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
- Female, max.26 years old, Min. SMEA in Accounting
- Experience min.2 year in similar position
- Job location: Padang
â— Min. GPA 2,85 â— Computer literate â— Â Fair in English
â— Good Communication skills â— Good team player â— Self motivated
Please submit your CV/resume & recent photograph
email to:
Put the position & job location you applied as an email subject (max.200kb Read More..
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Following the acquisition of ABN AMRO businesses has rebranded ABN AMRO into RBS in November 2008. RBS has inherited the experience of 183 years being the oldest foreign bank in Indonesia with the widest spread areas in 10 major cities of major islands with 20 branch network in Indonesia : Bandung, Balikpapan, Denpasar, Jakarta, Manado, Makassar, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, and Solo.
RBS offers various financial services to its retail customers in Indonesia through personal finance, loan and investment products.
At this moment, RBS in association with its authorized sales agencies invites you to apply for this immediate opening :
Commercial Banking Sales Officer (CBSO-SBY)
The ideal candidate should be a passionate hard-working individual who meets the following requirements :
Male / female, maximum age 28 years old
S1 graduate from reputable university (GPA > 2,75)
Fresh graduated / banking experienced are welcome
Self motivated, hardworking and target oriented
Fluent in English
To be placed In Surabaya
Competitive compensation, benefit, attractive incentives combined with structured career path and development program awaits for successful applicants.
Your future awaits. Please submit your complete resume by stating the position code on the email subject, to : Read More..
RBS offers various financial services to its retail customers in Indonesia through personal finance, loan and investment products.
At this moment, RBS in association with its authorized sales agencies invites you to apply for this immediate opening :
Commercial Banking Sales Officer (CBSO-SBY)
The ideal candidate should be a passionate hard-working individual who meets the following requirements :
Male / female, maximum age 28 years old
S1 graduate from reputable university (GPA > 2,75)
Fresh graduated / banking experienced are welcome
Self motivated, hardworking and target oriented
Fluent in English
To be placed In Surabaya
Competitive compensation, benefit, attractive incentives combined with structured career path and development program awaits for successful applicants.
Your future awaits. Please submit your complete resume by stating the position code on the email subject, to : Read More..
Caritas Switzerland is a non-governmental organization (NGO) with sound experience in the field of post disaster reconstruction. For its Livelihood Program in Singkil, Caritas Switzerland is seeking a qualified and highly motivated person of Indonesian nationality for the following position :
Project Coordinator Livelihoods
Required Qualifications:
Master Degree in sosial science or equivalent relevant education/experience
Several years of experience with Livelihoods
Several years of experience working with non-governmental partner organizations
Skills in Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration
Diplomacy, tact and negotiation skills
Ability to manage independently complex tasks or project that require advanced expert know-how and experience
Strong organizational, interpersonal and communication skills
Ability to lead, instruct and supervise staff
Excellent knowledge in spoken and written English, able to write detailed reports in English
IT skills; ability to use Microsoft Office such as word/excel processing and electronic mail
Disposition and Ability to live and work in a remote area
Acehnese origin is an asset.
Job duration: dependent on the program (approx.1- 1 1/2 years)
Location of work : Singkil, Aceh Singkil, NAD
Deadline for applications : 27 May 2009
Complete applications, including letter, CV, copies of credentials and references should be sent in English via e-mail to : or Jln.K.H.Wahid Hasyim No 51/74 Medan - 20154 Read More..
Project Coordinator Livelihoods
Required Qualifications:
Master Degree in sosial science or equivalent relevant education/experience
Several years of experience with Livelihoods
Several years of experience working with non-governmental partner organizations
Skills in Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration
Diplomacy, tact and negotiation skills
Ability to manage independently complex tasks or project that require advanced expert know-how and experience
Strong organizational, interpersonal and communication skills
Ability to lead, instruct and supervise staff
Excellent knowledge in spoken and written English, able to write detailed reports in English
IT skills; ability to use Microsoft Office such as word/excel processing and electronic mail
Disposition and Ability to live and work in a remote area
Acehnese origin is an asset.
Job duration: dependent on the program (approx.1- 1 1/2 years)
Location of work : Singkil, Aceh Singkil, NAD
Deadline for applications : 27 May 2009
Complete applications, including letter, CV, copies of credentials and references should be sent in English via e-mail to : or Jln.K.H.Wahid Hasyim No 51/74 Medan - 20154 Read More..
PT Kievit Indonesia Salatiga Friesland Campina, The leading Multinational Food Ingredients company. Kievit Indonesia, a specialist in spray-dried food ingredients. The result of our activities are functional and innovative encapsulated ingredients which provide foam, flavour, texture, colour, energy and/or health. To meet the future demand of customers, Kievit is building up a state-of-the art spray-drying production location in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. From Salatiga, Kievit will supply the customers in the Asian region with spray-dried ingredients, is inviting candidates to apply for the positions of:
Purchasing Manager (code PM)
Purchasing Manager will assist in execute arc supervise purchasing activities in Indonesia and other countries in South East Asia according to plan, regulation, procedure and subject to be audited.
Knowledge of food Chemistry / Commodity markets and technology supply chains.
Skills: Strong communicator, good negotiator, deal maker, organizer, proactive, self starter, stress resistant, prepared to travel internationally.
Bachelor/master degree preferably in Food Technology, fluent in English, Mandarin (advantage), minimum 5 years experiences in similar job in consumer goods manufacturing and or Food ingredients company.
Sales Assistant (code SA)
Sales Assistant will conduct with Commercial and Logistical duties to assist Segment Manager and ensure optimal support and customer satisfaction & service
University Degree preferable technical / food industry
Excellent English skills verbally. written and reading
Good communication skills
Having Sales/Marketing background
Speaking Mandarin is an advantage
Send your CV, photo and related documents not later than 24 May 2009, to:
PT Kievit Indonesia
Jl Merpati No 1
Mangunsari Salatiga
Please put job title on top left corner of the envelope
Or send by it mail to: Read More..
Purchasing Manager (code PM)
Purchasing Manager will assist in execute arc supervise purchasing activities in Indonesia and other countries in South East Asia according to plan, regulation, procedure and subject to be audited.
Knowledge of food Chemistry / Commodity markets and technology supply chains.
Skills: Strong communicator, good negotiator, deal maker, organizer, proactive, self starter, stress resistant, prepared to travel internationally.
Bachelor/master degree preferably in Food Technology, fluent in English, Mandarin (advantage), minimum 5 years experiences in similar job in consumer goods manufacturing and or Food ingredients company.
Sales Assistant (code SA)
Sales Assistant will conduct with Commercial and Logistical duties to assist Segment Manager and ensure optimal support and customer satisfaction & service
University Degree preferable technical / food industry
Excellent English skills verbally. written and reading
Good communication skills
Having Sales/Marketing background
Speaking Mandarin is an advantage
Send your CV, photo and related documents not later than 24 May 2009, to:
PT Kievit Indonesia
Jl Merpati No 1
Mangunsari Salatiga
Please put job title on top left corner of the envelope
Or send by it mail to: Read More..
PT Siemens Indonesia Job Vacancy 2009

PT. Siemens Indonesia, Power Transmission and Distribution (PTD) Division, is looking for motivated and qualified individual to fill the following position:
Proposal Engineer (PE)
D3/S1 degree majoring in Electrical Engineering (Teknik Tenaga Elektrik)
At least 1 years experience in engineering/project management in substation/power plant and HV/MV/LV switchgear is preferred but fresh graduates are welcome
Have strong analytical and good understanding on power system analysis
Good understanding on Microsoft Office, AUTOCad/ELCAD and ETAP would be a benefit
Fast learner and able to work independently or as team player
Willing to work hard and under-pressure
Good interpersonal skill
Have excellent written/spoken English and German Language Skills would be an added advantage
A competitive salary and benefit package will be offered to the successful candidate commensuraste to his/her qualifications and expertise. All applications will be treated strictly confidential. Please submit your CV, copy of diploma/transcript, aplication letter, current and expected salary not later than 30 June 2009 to: (Please state the position code yoe apply for as your e-mail subject). Only short-listed candidates will be notitied. Read More..
Bakrie Telecom Career Oppurtunities 2009

PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is seeking high qualified candidates for positions:
Supervisor Consumer & Market Tracking (CMT)
Job Description
Managing Tracking Studies with the agency, reviewing questionnaire, preparing research stimulus material, scheduling, reporting etc.
Data Mining
Responsible for internal coordination to discuss about research guidelines & Questionnaire
Develop research methodology, questionnaire, & Discussion Guide
Economic/Business/Statistic bachelor degree
Minimum have 2 years work experience as Data Analyst in telco industry or Marketing Research Agency
Have Deep knowledge & work experience in Quantitative Research
Advance skill in Statistic, Data Mining, Develop Presentation, SPSS, PPT, Excel, Word etc.
Good analytical thinking
Able to work under pressure & manage lots of projects at the same time
Good team work & Ability to manage staff
Additional qualitative research experience will be appreciated
Optical Network Specialist
Job Description
Design, Planning and Engineering to Optical Network ( ADM & OSP )
Male or Female
Minimum Bachelor or Master Degree of Telecommunication or Electrical Engineering from reputable University
Have experience at the same field from Telecommunication Industry (Min. 3 Years)
Fluent in English both oral or written
Excellent with computer skills ( UNIX, Linux, Windows )
Have experience in ADM Optic, & OSP Optic
Have experience in and Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM)
Have knowledge about Pathloss software & mapinfo
Willing to work under Pressure
Please submit application letter and CV to: . Please put the code MW Transmission Eng on the e-mail subject for Optical Network Specialist position. CV Format Ms.Word Max.120 KB. Read More..
Lowongan Garuda Food Lampung Mei 2009

PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya, Coated Peanuts Division membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga muda profesional untuk posisi:
Supervisor Teknik (SPv)
Foreman Teknik (FT)
Laki-laki, Usia max.35th (1)
Laki-laki, Usia max.27th (2)
Pendidikan: IPK min.3.00
S1 Teknik Elektro (Konsentrasi Arus Kuat) (1, 2)
Memahami instalasi mekanikal dan elektrikal, efisiensi pemakaian energi (1)
Pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal min.1th (1)
Pengalaman minimal min.1th / Fresh Graduade (2)
Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan pekerja keras (1, 2)
Berdomisili di Lampung & sekitarnya
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap & CV ke: Recruitment Staff – HRS Departement PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya, Jl.Ir.Sutami Km.6 Campang Raya, Tanjungkarang Timur, Bandar Lampung Telp.0721-351442 Fax.0721-350258 atau via email: (dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan amplop atau di subject email). Paling lambat tanggal : 23 Mei 2009. Read More..
Kompas Cyber Media Job Vacancies 2009
We are an established online news media, focus on Internet technology, multimedia and e-commerce, currently seeking for a professional to fill the following positions:
Web Designer (Code: WDG)
Minimum Bachelor Degree
Minimum of 2 years experience as a Web Designer
Background in Visual Communication Design is preferred
Excellent in drawing and illustration skills
Excellent in Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, and HTML
Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
Programmer (Code: PROGM)
Minimum Bachelor Degree
Minimum of 2 years experience as a Programmer (handling web project)
Excellent in: Windows and Linux OS, database (MySQL, SQL), PHP programming
Excellent in and cfm is an advantage
Willing to work on weekends, public holidays and on shift
Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in team environment
HR Generalist (Code: HR Generalist)
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang organization Development (antara lain : Analisa Jabatan, Evaluasi Jabatan, Performance Management & Balanced Scorecard)
Pendidikan minimal S-1 Psikologi
Memiliki kepribadian baik, integritas tinggi dan dapat bekerja dalam tim
Bersedia bekerja dengan status kontrak 6 bulan
If you have all these required qualifications, you can simply send your application with CV (attachment not more than 300kb) to not later than May, 31, 2009. Help us to simplify the sorting process by pacing Job Code at the email subject. Read More..
Web Designer (Code: WDG)
Minimum Bachelor Degree
Minimum of 2 years experience as a Web Designer
Background in Visual Communication Design is preferred
Excellent in drawing and illustration skills
Excellent in Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, and HTML
Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment
Programmer (Code: PROGM)
Minimum Bachelor Degree
Minimum of 2 years experience as a Programmer (handling web project)
Excellent in: Windows and Linux OS, database (MySQL, SQL), PHP programming
Excellent in and cfm is an advantage
Willing to work on weekends, public holidays and on shift
Demonstrates proficiency in creating new ideas/concept
Good personality, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in team environment
HR Generalist (Code: HR Generalist)
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang organization Development (antara lain : Analisa Jabatan, Evaluasi Jabatan, Performance Management & Balanced Scorecard)
Pendidikan minimal S-1 Psikologi
Memiliki kepribadian baik, integritas tinggi dan dapat bekerja dalam tim
Bersedia bekerja dengan status kontrak 6 bulan
If you have all these required qualifications, you can simply send your application with CV (attachment not more than 300kb) to not later than May, 31, 2009. Help us to simplify the sorting process by pacing Job Code at the email subject. Read More..
Monday, 18 May 2009
BNI Life Insurance, one of the fastest growing company in the life insurance industry is inviting a high caliber and dynamic people in our organization to support Sales for Bancassurance Specialist in Area Banda Aceh, Batam, Pekanbaru, Medan, Padang, Bengkulu, Palembang, Jambi, Lampung, Madura, Surabaya, Malang, Pekalongan, Denpasar, Mataram, Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Cilegon, Serang, Cirebon, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Manado, Palu, Makassar dan Pare-Pare.
Bancassurance Specialist
General Requirement :
University graduate (min. D3) in all discipline
Strong positive attitude and integrity with high commitment to deliver results
Able to communicate persuasively, like to meet people and building relationship
Confidence in servicing clients, high self-confidence and motivation
Good appearance and good health
Have own vehicle are preferable
Computer literate : Microsoft Office
Age maximum 35 years
Fresh graduate are welcome
Advantages :
Fixed Salary
Variable income
Placed in BNI branches
Opportunity to be Area Sales Manager at least 2 years Length of Services
Please send your application, resume/cv, driving license, photograph, ID card and fulfill the area wanted to : (not later than 28 May 2009.) Read More..
Bancassurance Specialist
General Requirement :
University graduate (min. D3) in all discipline
Strong positive attitude and integrity with high commitment to deliver results
Able to communicate persuasively, like to meet people and building relationship
Confidence in servicing clients, high self-confidence and motivation
Good appearance and good health
Have own vehicle are preferable
Computer literate : Microsoft Office
Age maximum 35 years
Fresh graduate are welcome
Advantages :
Fixed Salary
Variable income
Placed in BNI branches
Opportunity to be Area Sales Manager at least 2 years Length of Services
Please send your application, resume/cv, driving license, photograph, ID card and fulfill the area wanted to : (not later than 28 May 2009.) Read More..
AXA Mandiri Financial Services sebagai perusahaan patungan (joint venture) antara Bank Mandiri (Bank terbesar di Indonesia) dan AXA (perusahaan asuransi jiwa terbesar di dunia), mengajak Anda individu yang berpotensi untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai:
Pria/Wanita, Usia 20-30 tahun.
Minimum D3 (diutamakan memiliki pengalaman 1tahun di bidang penjualan).
Memiliki prestasi/ track record yang baik dibidang penjualan.
Potensi peningkatan karir di jenjang manajerial setelah 1 tahun.
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh JABODETABEK.
Kompensasi :
Penghasilan tetap setiap bulan.
Bonus yang tidak terbatas.
Tunjangan transportasi.
Asuransi kesehatan.
Status karyawan tetap (untuk ASM).
Training bersertifikat dan berkelanjutan dari AXA Mandiri Bancassurance Academy (Bancassurance Academy pertama di Asia Tenggara).
Kesempatan melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri.
Segera kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV, fotocopy KTP, ijazah, surat referensi dari perusahaan sebelumnya dan 1 lembar pas foto terakhir ukuran 4x6 (berwarna), melalui pos atau e-mail dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang Anda lamar ke:
PT. AXA Mandiri Financial Services
Plaza Mandiri Lt. 29
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
Jakarta 12190
E-mail: Read More..
Pria/Wanita, Usia 20-30 tahun.
Minimum D3 (diutamakan memiliki pengalaman 1tahun di bidang penjualan).
Memiliki prestasi/ track record yang baik dibidang penjualan.
Potensi peningkatan karir di jenjang manajerial setelah 1 tahun.
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh JABODETABEK.
Kompensasi :
Penghasilan tetap setiap bulan.
Bonus yang tidak terbatas.
Tunjangan transportasi.
Asuransi kesehatan.
Status karyawan tetap (untuk ASM).
Training bersertifikat dan berkelanjutan dari AXA Mandiri Bancassurance Academy (Bancassurance Academy pertama di Asia Tenggara).
Kesempatan melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri.
Segera kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV, fotocopy KTP, ijazah, surat referensi dari perusahaan sebelumnya dan 1 lembar pas foto terakhir ukuran 4x6 (berwarna), melalui pos atau e-mail dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang Anda lamar ke:
PT. AXA Mandiri Financial Services
Plaza Mandiri Lt. 29
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
Jakarta 12190
E-mail: Read More..
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Vacancy 2009
Following the acquisition of ABN AMRO businesses The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has rebranded ABN AMRO into RBS in November 2008. RBS has inherited the experience of 183 years being the oldest foreign bank in Indonesia with the widest spread areas in 10 major cities of major islands with 20 branch network in Indonesia: Bandung, Balikpapan, Denpasar, Jakarta, Manado, Makassar, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, and Solo. RBS offers various financial services to its retail customers in Indonesia through personal finance, loan and investment products. At this moment, RBS in association with its authorized sales agencies invites you to apply for this immediate opening:
Commercial Banking Sales Officer (CBSO-SBY)
The ideal candidate should be a passionate hard-working individual who meets the following requirements:
Male/female, maximum age 28 years old
S1 graduate from reputable university (GPA > 2,75)
Fresh graduated/banking experienced are welcome
Self Motivated, Hardworking and target oriented
Fluent in English
To be placed In Surabaya
Competitive compensation, benefit, attractive incentives combined with structured career path and development program awaits for successful applicants.
Please submit your complete resume by stating the position code on the email subject, to: . Read More..
Commercial Banking Sales Officer (CBSO-SBY)
The ideal candidate should be a passionate hard-working individual who meets the following requirements:
Male/female, maximum age 28 years old
S1 graduate from reputable university (GPA > 2,75)
Fresh graduated/banking experienced are welcome
Self Motivated, Hardworking and target oriented
Fluent in English
To be placed In Surabaya
Competitive compensation, benefit, attractive incentives combined with structured career path and development program awaits for successful applicants.
Please submit your complete resume by stating the position code on the email subject, to: . Read More..
Biznet Networks Job Vacancies 2009
Biznet Networks, one of the leading Telecommunication Company in Indonesia, has several opportunities to join and lead the company for the future. We are looking for creative and motivated people to share and develop their passion in technology and telecommunication that will enhance Indonesian people's life in the future.
Customer Care Specialist
Receive calls from customers and prospects
Maintain and retain communication with customers
Help customer to troubleshoot if there is a problem
Male/Female, 23 - 30 years, D-3/S-1 graduates
Minimum of 1 years working IT/computer related experience, preferably from ISP
Friendly, experienced in handling customer complaint, telemarketing/call center
Must be comfortable on the phone
Ability to work independently or in a team
Excellent written and communication skills
Creative problem solving abilities
Willing to work shift
Retail Store Specialist
Daily retail store operation, product demo
Assist & help customer in selecting service
Female, 25 - 30 years, D3/S1 graduates
Attractive and friendly
1+ year experience in sales promotion/customer care
Experience in telecom store operation in a plus
Customer Loyalty Specialist
Plan & develop loyalty program
Maintain excisting customers
Female, 25 - 30 years, S1 graduates
Experience 2 years in Marketing and related
Excellent written and communication skills
Experience in the credit card / banking or insurance industry is a plus
Sales Executive
Work collaboratively with your sales team to grow revenue with new and existing customers
Proactively and creatively identify and solve client problems and provide solutions
Male/Female, 25 - 30 years, D3/S1 graduates
3+ years in sales/account management
Proven record of successful process management and relationship development with large clients
Has large customer database, self motivated, enthusiastic and target oriented
Strong analytical skills regarding technical, contractual and financial issues
Experience in Telecom or Internet industry is preferred.
Positions available in Jakarta.
General Requirement
D3, S1 or S2 in Bachelor of Science or equivalent (S3/PhD a plus) with minimum GPA 3.0
Ability to work independently or in a team
Excellent written and communication skills in English or other foreign language is a plus
Working experience in Telecom/Internet/IT related industry is a plus
Hardworking, creative thinker and self
motivated Ability to work under pressure/deadline
Please check all the requirements for your applied position. Only candidate met the requirements will be called for an interview. The application is written in English, MS Word or Adobe PDF formats: application letter, curriculum vitae, latest photo. Email the application to: , with interested position in the Email Subject. Read More..
Customer Care Specialist
Receive calls from customers and prospects
Maintain and retain communication with customers
Help customer to troubleshoot if there is a problem
Male/Female, 23 - 30 years, D-3/S-1 graduates
Minimum of 1 years working IT/computer related experience, preferably from ISP
Friendly, experienced in handling customer complaint, telemarketing/call center
Must be comfortable on the phone
Ability to work independently or in a team
Excellent written and communication skills
Creative problem solving abilities
Willing to work shift
Retail Store Specialist
Daily retail store operation, product demo
Assist & help customer in selecting service
Female, 25 - 30 years, D3/S1 graduates
Attractive and friendly
1+ year experience in sales promotion/customer care
Experience in telecom store operation in a plus
Customer Loyalty Specialist
Plan & develop loyalty program
Maintain excisting customers
Female, 25 - 30 years, S1 graduates
Experience 2 years in Marketing and related
Excellent written and communication skills
Experience in the credit card / banking or insurance industry is a plus
Sales Executive
Work collaboratively with your sales team to grow revenue with new and existing customers
Proactively and creatively identify and solve client problems and provide solutions
Male/Female, 25 - 30 years, D3/S1 graduates
3+ years in sales/account management
Proven record of successful process management and relationship development with large clients
Has large customer database, self motivated, enthusiastic and target oriented
Strong analytical skills regarding technical, contractual and financial issues
Experience in Telecom or Internet industry is preferred.
Positions available in Jakarta.
General Requirement
D3, S1 or S2 in Bachelor of Science or equivalent (S3/PhD a plus) with minimum GPA 3.0
Ability to work independently or in a team
Excellent written and communication skills in English or other foreign language is a plus
Working experience in Telecom/Internet/IT related industry is a plus
Hardworking, creative thinker and self
motivated Ability to work under pressure/deadline
Please check all the requirements for your applied position. Only candidate met the requirements will be called for an interview. The application is written in English, MS Word or Adobe PDF formats: application letter, curriculum vitae, latest photo. Email the application to: , with interested position in the Email Subject. Read More..
Sharp Electronics Indonesia Job Vacancy 2009
Sharp is one of the world’s leading innovative developers and manufacturers of LCD technology and electrotechnical components in the areas of optoelectronics, infrared and flash memory electronics. Our guiding principle is “Honesty and Creativity“, together with the clear goal to improve the quality of people’s lives through state-of-the-art technologies. The result are not only unique, innovative products – true to our motto, “We make products that other want to imitate!”, we create new lifestyles for the 21st century. To support our growth strategy we invite you to be part of our diverse team as:
Promotion for Serang Branch
Job Description
Visit dealer in Banten area in order to arrange the Product display, Approval activities, Pull and Push marketing activities.
Male, max. 28 years ol.
Height min. 165 cm with good health.
S1 any major.
Understand government taxes for example sign board taxes; possess a good negotiation skill.
Computer literate and english literate. Read More..
Promotion for Serang Branch
Job Description
Visit dealer in Banten area in order to arrange the Product display, Approval activities, Pull and Push marketing activities.
Male, max. 28 years ol.
Height min. 165 cm with good health.
S1 any major.
Understand government taxes for example sign board taxes; possess a good negotiation skill.
Computer literate and english literate. Read More..
Tengah mencari kandidat Front Liners
a.. Wanita
b.. Usia maksimal 25 tahun
c.. Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
d.. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm, dengan berat badan proporsional
e.. Berbadan sehat dan lengkap (tidak pernah terkena penyakit dalam)
f.. Penampilan menarik dan bersedia mengenakan seragam Jilbab
g.. Tekun, detil, komunikatif, percaya diri, murah senyum
h.. Berjiwa melayani.
SEGERA KIRIM SEKARANG JUGA Surat lamaran + CV + Foto Terbaru seluruh badan dan dokumen lainnya lengkap.
Tengah mencari kandidat Front Liners
a.. Wanita
b.. Usia maksimal 25 tahun
c.. Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
d.. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm, dengan berat badan proporsional
e.. Berbadan sehat dan lengkap (tidak pernah terkena penyakit dalam)
f.. Penampilan menarik dan bersedia mengenakan seragam Jilbab
g.. Tekun, detil, komunikatif, percaya diri, murah senyum
h.. Berjiwa melayani.
SEGERA KIRIM SEKARANG JUGA Surat lamaran + CV + Foto Terbaru seluruh badan dan dokumen lainnya lengkap.
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
- Male, Single, age max. 28 years old
- Education Min. S1 Teknik Computer
- Preferably has 1
year experience
- Having knowledge in Programmer (Poxpro, PHP), Internet and MS SQL
- Able to work individually and part of team
- Computer literate, fluent in English
If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit your CV/resume and recent photograph, not later than May 25, 2009 to:
HRD Department:
Kompleks DʼBest Fatmawati
Jl. Fatmawati Raya No.15 - Blok C 12
JakartaSelatan 12420
Or email to: Read More..
We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:
- Male, Single, age max. 28 years old
- Education Min. S1 Teknik Computer
- Preferably has 1
year experience
- Having knowledge in Programmer (Poxpro, PHP), Internet and MS SQL
- Able to work individually and part of team
- Computer literate, fluent in English
If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit your CV/resume and recent photograph, not later than May 25, 2009 to:
HRD Department:
Kompleks DʼBest Fatmawati
Jl. Fatmawati Raya No.15 - Blok C 12
JakartaSelatan 12420
Or email to: Read More..
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